In Amalie's world, there is no concept of being serious. She does concentrate and focus when she is creating artwork, but nothing else. She is very distracted while she listens to others, eats, gets ready in the morning, for example, she cried hard in the car on the way to home from school, because she forgot to eat any of her snack. How? There is a snack time on a table which two teachers watching from start to the end. Also, she doesn't tell me anything that she does at the school, so I miss something I am supposed to help or do. Recently, when I had time to talk with Ryan, I told him that Amalie can't stop and look into my eyes while we talk, and I have no idea what she does at the school. It was a serious conversation. Then, Ryan just jumped off from a couch, started doing push ups, and said "Oh, I was like that. I remember."That's it.Amalie, do you have any of my DNA in there somewhere???Ryan, can we have a bit more serious conversation about our kids?You guys, I am serious.只今、海璃タイムアウト中。反省の時間。彼女の中に真剣さとか生真面目さとかいう言葉はなく、扱いが大変な事もしばしば。食べている時も、人の話を聞いている時も、プーラプラ。朝、幼稚園に行く支度なんて私の忍耐勝負。幼稚園であった事もろくに教えてくれず、予習復習なんてもっての他。ある日なんて、おやつの時間に一人ずつ配られるはずのおやつを食べ忘れちゃった。と、車の中で泣き出す始末。その時間、あなたはどこで何をしていたのですか。もう、私にとっては摩訶不思議。で、ライアンに相談したところ、急に腕立て伏せをし始めて、「あぁ、僕もそうだった。思い出すなぁ。」って。もう、全ての元凶はあなたですよ。人が真剣に話してるのに、腕立てするな。海璃さん、ママのDNAは体のどこかで眠っているんですかねぇ。私、真剣なんですけど。PS: 今、反省の時間から出てきて、何を言い出すかと思えば、「ごめんなさい。・・・・で、フライドトーストのレシピはね、パンにりんごをたくさんのせて、ニンジンもたくさんのせて、チーズをのせて、で、パンをまたのせて、オーブンでやくの。かいてあげるよ。ままのれしぴ。」って。これだ・・・。反省なんて、これっぽっちもしてなかった。
1 comment:
sounds like fun! I love your panda cake and Amalie's drawings, they are so darling. miss you guys
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