春休み最後の週末は、マウント・フッドに雪遊びに行ってきました。この、モンスター君もさぞかし楽しんでくれるだろうと思ったのですが、ところがどっこい終始こんな風体。一歩も踏み出さず一声も出さず、ペンギンみたいに立ちつくすばかり。During the last weekend, we went to Mt. Hood for sledding. I thought this Mr. Monster would have so much fun, but he was like this whole entire time; he didn't move even an inch, or even make any sound, just standing like a penguin with this face.
ソリに乗せれば、座ることを拒否し・・・He didn't want to sit on a sled...
雪の上に座らせれば、顔面からころり・・・He just fell to his face several times while he was sitting on the snow.
雪だるまを破壊しながら、やっとの笑顔。Finally, a little smile by destroying a snowman.
But, again, he is back to this.
Since Luther was not moving one bit, the rest of us played so hard. Here are videos of us sledding on a super steep hill.
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