Monday, August 03, 2009

Miracle News



Some of you already know, but we got a miracle baby. Since a few doctors told us that I can’t get pregnant anymore, and there was zero possibility. We had given up, and moved on. So, this was just an eye opening surprise for us, too. We still can’t really believe it. The due date is some time during the first week of February, but it probably will be in mid-January. I would like to thank to my acupuncturist. She believed that my body would return to being healthy, and she encouraged me through out the process, even though I had no idea what treatments she was performing on me. As well as, thank you very much for those who prayed for us consistently. God was listening….

ps: Please don’t tell Amalie, yet. She wouldn’t understand if something happens, and she wouldn’t be able to wait if she knows that she is gong to have a sibling. Thank you.


Sunderlages said...

Oh yeah!!!!! Just hoping this were going well. I am so happy for you two. I hope that you are feeling okay! I am so excited for all of you.

tomoe said...

すごい!Great News!! 安定期に入って落ち着くまではつわりも大変だし、精神的にも肉体的にもMomはつらい時期だけど、その後にはこの上ない"しあわせさん"が待っているので、頑張って家族で乗り越えてね!!祈ってます。