Sunday, June 20, 2010


I always get off Taxi here at this spot, but never really knew what's in there. There are pretty nice things for praying. Sorry, I don't know if it's Buddhism or Shintoism. My parents told me that Amalie has to pray here every time when they take a walk. And, she says "Thank you, mama is with me." I'm not showing off. I'm quite surprise, because she seriously is against me all the time. She just told me she only likes me a little bit, but she loves papa soooo much.


And, there is this house at the next block down from mine. My mom tells me to hurry past, since it might come down any moment. So, I do. Is the fire department okay with this?
Then, walking a little more, I even found this house down below. Is anyone living here???




Where can we do fireworks in the city? When I was a kid, we could do anything in streets and parks. Now, it's illegal to make or play with fire at any public land around here. So, we enjoyed them right in front of the front door because the yard has too many plants and mosquitoes.

There were too many for only Amalie. My dad started to light, and hand them to Amalie. It was like an assembly line.....



Nepo and Limo

Don't they look like Amalie and Luther?

Amalie is out of control, and then Luther cries when Amalie is getting yelled at. Of course, I still love my crazy monsters.



"I did it! Princess Minny. Am I cute?"

It took her an hour, because she had to have a sketch for hair design, then put hair de-tangler spray on a hundred times. It's about 80 degrees and 70% of humidity. I can't even breath in my room. I thought it's 80's style hair, but my mom thought she looked homeless.



Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Really Long

Amalie and my dad go this park pretty often because of this roller slide (the slide has rollers on the bottom) and the brand new (man-made) beach. I went there with them today. It was really loooong. I want this!



Monday, June 14, 2010

Luther Sohther

So, 'Luther' is too much of a Western name for most of my family members. When he was born, my aunt proudly announced his name as 'Arther', then she self-corrected it to 'Sohther, since his middle name is Soh. My mom called him 'Luthus' a few times, and my dad just called him 'Sohther'. Yesterday, my uncle asked about 'Luther-Sohther'. I'm enjoying it.

These are araucana's eggs. They are blue, and taste richer. It was the best boiled egg.




Sunday, June 13, 2010

Shrine Festival

In this season, there are festivals everywhere at the various shrines. This was Amalie and Luther's first one. It was humid and hot today, the smell of junk food and Yankee vendors, all of it really reminded me of my childhood. Anyhow, where do those vendor people get their fashion and trend? There are cute girls, but they wear crazy make-up, and most of the guys look scary. I was too chicken to ask to take their pictures.


Amalie is too young to carry the little shrine-shape 'omikoshi', but she got to pull the drum rope.


It's really difficult to find a place for 'going-out playdates' around the city. We need to think of a place with nursing rooms, bathrooms with a changing table (not all have it), food and non-rush hour on public transportation with kids. In the US I never need to think of it because of my precious car. Anyway, we met at Yokohama, well actually Minatomirai, which is the port town for Tokyo. It was great. There are a few malls, picnic areas, amazing parks and easy to buy food. It is not only for kids; we really had fun.


We got on the Ferris Wheel.

From up in the sky, is the Landmark Tower, which is the tallest (970ft) tower in Japan. The bottom picture shows the Bay Bridge.

And us, with my friend, 'Auntie Tomoko'. She really helps me like she is a nanny for my kids.

I don't know if you can tell, but the building behind of us is shaped like a sail. It's a hotel.PS: ウォーリーを探せ的です。参加者がジミィに写っている一品。でしょ?


Luther is a big spitter-upper, in addition, he started drooling. His ordinary bibs can't stay white, even with daily bleaching. I worry if people look at his bib, see the yellowness, they might think I'm nasty, and I am not qualified to be a mom. So, here they are. Before people find stains, they'd be curious what they are...



I'm LUCKY this year to be here during loquat season. My parent's tree produces the best fruits. It's sweet and juicy. The leaves can be made into a tea or lotion for detoxing.


Mr. Hirata

My hair stylist, no he is more than that, he has magic hands, Mr. Hirata. He opened his own salon, 'qualia of beat' last year. He is the best! He also a super fan of '24'

I'm not posing, by the way. Amalie took this when we got home.

ヘアスタイリストの平田さん。マジックハンド&才能の持ち主です。私の’髪自分切り’まで許してくださって、最近はアドバイスまでしてくれる、アーティストなのにあったかーいお方です。一年前にオープンされた御自身のサロンへ御邪魔してきました。本当に上手なので、一度切ってもらったら止められなくなるはず。東急池上駅のそばの'qualia of beat' ていうサロンです。


Wednesday, June 09, 2010


Amalie's Breakfast


How can I make Amalie quickly eat all her meals?

Wholesale Rocks!

This is a must go town for anyone who love sewing. The whole entire town is fabric wholesale, and filled with unbelievably inexpensive clothing stores in any fashion. You can even buy denim fabric from EDWIN Jean store. Kids are prohibited, so I went there with my mom with Luther in a Baby Bjorn. We only hunt for designer name brand fabric for a dollar per yard because of a tiny defect. I wish my mom is not a person who always in hurry for no reason, so I can be there all day, although I need her because she is the pro in this town. And, I really wish the shipping cost are not so expensive from Japan to the US. I'd love to redo all my interior fabrics.

What kinds of dancing clothes are they?


99 cent socks were too pricey for these ladies. They are all looking at 69 cent ones.



Tuesday, June 08, 2010

I realized I'm not 27 anymore.

This might be the first time I went out with both Amalie and Luther by using buses and train. There was a charity bazaar at my college. My mom is an alumni as well, and she has a booth every year. It was very strange feeling to be there with my own children. Tables, chairs and even the trees are same. It seemed like last year I was sitting there, but it really has been 16 years. Wow. I probably look like an outdated middle age tired stranger to the students who wear perfect make-up on perfect smiles with their dreams of the future. My friend told me most females think their age six years younger. I always think I'm becoming 28 years old on my next birthday, and my friends thought I was kidding. However, I felt it today. I'm really in my 30's, huuuuuaaaaaaaa.

The picture is my favorite Japanese sweet, Kuzumochi. I know if I stop munching sweets, I can loose my baby fat, and probably go back to at least two years younger looking.



Monday, June 07, 2010


On the way home from the horse race, Amalie found the aquarium, and she demanded to go there. So, my dad took her there. Of course, he researched all the schedules of the shows as usual. However, they didn't come home until dinner time. I guess Amalie wanted to see same shows a couple of times, and she wanted to eat dinner at a close-by (pretty bad) restaurant. According to my dad, she wanted to choose what she'd get from the menu. She is acting like an adult recently. My dad bought an ice cream cone instead, and this picture is it. Happiest lady of the day.

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Pakka Pakka

Amalie loves to see horses, so my dad took her to the horse race. It's really cool to see the race and the horses close up, but there are some pretty interesting people, too. They must be serious, but to me, they seem like they are playing in a comedy. Maybe I should join them to make second income.

My dad looks really happy. Amalie must have taken this picture.




Oh, my friend and hot spring...

My friend, Tomoko took a vacation day to play with us. In the past several years, we always wanted to take a little trip to somewhere, but it never happened with baby Amalie and Luther. So, we went to a public bath (in my neighborhood, there are hot springs) by biking with Tomoko sitting behind of me. She kept saying "Let me get off. Off! Off! Wow", but I kept going. It was like we were in high school again, and fun. By the way, its black water contains old plants, and it's coming from deep within the earth. My back pain got better, and my skin is smoother. We hung out all afternoon and night. Today was definitely one of the happiest day of my life.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Going out with Grandma

My mom took Amalie to Ginza and Tokyo station to see the bullet trains, 'Shinkansen'. It was a mix feeling of relieved and a little sad by looking at their back. Amalie has grown.....

"Amalie doesn't listen to anything at all!" said my mom.

I guess Amalie demanded ice cream, juice, snack and bunch of rest. Thanks, mom!







I always buy things in the US because the cost is half than Japan, but something happened. This store, which is decent by the way, sells ten dollars jeans. There are a bunch of cute kid's socks, underwear and toys. I bought Luther his first toy. I love his uncontrollable hands and eyes. Amalie enjoyed riding the coin-drop horse carousel by herself there. They must make tons of money by putting a kid's arcade in right middle of the store.

Made by Amalie

Amalie makes anything with paper. It reminds me of that 'five years old me' who was wearing tissue paper glasses for a while every where we went.


'high chair for the pink frog' / 'ピンクのカエルさんのハイチェア'

'microphone' /  'マイク'

'car parked in a garage'  / 'ガレージに止まっている車'

'flowers for the tombstone' /  'お墓にお供えするお花'

and 'bib for the real human' そして '人間用のよだれかけ'.........