Friday, July 16, 2010

It took 3 weeks!

So, it took three weeks to get really back to a regular life. Jet lag with kids is crazy. They were up till four in the morning for the first week, which is eight o'clock at night in Japan. I adjusted myself in two days, but figured that's not going to work, so I started living on their body clock. Then, all of us caught a really bad cold - even Luther. I looked sick and mad, our house was a disaster, there was no food if I didn't cook, but I had no time and energy...we finally drugged our kids with benedryl (with doctor's approval) to get them to sleep at least by midnight. Additionally, Luther needed me all the time to feel secure from the change in environment. He couldn't get cozy with Ryan or Amalie. She missed her father so much while we were in Japan, but once she got here she figured out that he disciplines her a lot more than me. She keeps saying,"I want to live in Tokyo, because papa does bad things!" Ryan needed to regain his patience, as well. He got so used to a heavenly single life while we were gone. He just showed me how handsome his body looks last night, which is the result of working out at the gym without distraction from his family. Seriously, he is big. I've never seen his upper body built that much ever since he is out of college. Sadly, he'll shrink soon because of us. Anyway, it really took three weeks to get back to normal. While we were dizzy and sick, the earth kept spinning. Amalie enjoyed Cameron's five and a half birthday party. We enjoyed our friends' church breakfast and flag ceremony for Independence Day. Our friends threw a crazy fireworks party on the 3rd. We watched fireworks over the lake in front of millionaires' mansions. Luther is growing so much everyday. He started rolling, eating solids, sitting on a high chair and a walker, enjoying books, and laughing with his voice. It's already middle of July. I can't waste any more time. There are so many projects and things we need to attack. I must start!







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