Friday, June 22, 2012

Watermelon rind.


Did you know you can eat watermelon rind?  I didn't.  I was just looking at this melon bowl after digging out the inside.  I almost put it in the compost pile, but thought about searching for a recipe, if there is one.  And, there are tons! 

I scraped off most of the red part, which became a surprisingly good watermelon smoothie.
Then, I peeled off the real hard green part, and the soft green part became a salad.  I first mixed with salt, and I squeezed some water out, then mixed with some vinegar.  It is hard to believe, tasted great.  Watermelon rind is a an edible green!  Happy discovery.

緑の部分は皮をむいて細い千切りに。お塩でもんで、水気をぎゅっと絞って、 お酢と塩昆布であえて見ました。ほんのり甘いので、そのまま甘酢と塩昆布和えになりました。半信半疑で食べてみたら、おいしかった。りっぱな野菜だな。なんだか、嬉しい発見でした。

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