Wednesday, May 28, 2008

05-23-2008 Fri

今日から、ライアン4連休。5月26日は元旦以来の国民の祝日、メモリアルデー。半年も連休がないから、木曜日に帰ってきたら両手を振り上げて『4 days off!』と叫んでいました。

早速今日はCordon Bleuにランチに行きました。学校が経営しているレストランなので、正式フレンチながら海璃を連れていても大丈夫なカジュアルさで私達のお気に入りです。今日は海璃もきちんとナフキンを膝にのせて、グラスでお水をのんで、“シルバーフォーク”でパスタをくるくるなぞしていました。前回はナフキンはブランケットって呼んでいたけど・・・


4 days off for Ryan.
We had our lunch at Cordon Blue restaurant in downtown. Although they are a formal French restaurant, they are pretty casual and friendly for families with kids. We love it. Amalie enjoyed the whole thing as well. She put her napkin on her lap, used a fancy glass, and used a ‘silver fork’ to twist the pasta side dish. Last time we were there, she thought the napkin was her blanket.
We hopped on the street car to enjoy shopping for rest of the afternoon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!!! How do you get your pictures so beautiful?

Thank you for sharing your lives so I can see and know that all are well and happy.

Amalie looks terrific, I especially like her stern look:) You and Ryan of course do also but not nearly so.

I have been very busy this last month with my work and trying to decide if the market is right for me to look for a house to purchase.

OH well, I'll think about that tomorrow. Take Care, Mumsy