Tuesday, July 29, 2008








The swimming lesson didn't work out for Amalie. Amalie is shy for anything for the first time (this pool is exclusively for neighbourhood members only, so we couldn't even go there in advance of the lessons to get use to it), so before registration, Ryan and I both talked with someone that if I can walk in with her. I even went there to see what is the pool like, and talked with someone in person. She said "Whatever is comfortable for us is fine." Also, the description for the level One is [for the young swimmer who has not had much water experience. We play lots of games, learn to float, blow bubbles and go under water.]

However, the lady who is in charge of lessons said,
"You can't go in. This is not a 'Mommy and Me' class"
I was trying to get Amalie into the water at least to hold her hand on the side of the pool, but she kept saying,
"I don't know who you talk to. I never had a conversation with your husband. We never had success with 2 years old. Up to 3 years old, it should be 'Mommy and Me'. I'll give you your money back."
Which they don't offer 'Mommy and Me'. I don't care about the money if Amalie enjoys it for 2 weeks, so I still tried if she can go in, but instructors don't really care, and the lady decided herself it doesn't work for us.....And, was it a level One?! Kids were at least a year older than Amalie up to seems like 5 years old, and they were swimming in the deep end with kick boards! It was hopeless. What made me so upset were 1:No one was trying help us except my very sweet friend, Amanda and Kaya, 2:We were so looking forward this as summer event. We went to lake almost everyday for practice for it. Oh well, it's okay. In fact, I was on the swimming team since I was 4 (My brother was 2 without my mom), and I was competing since 10 years old throughout high school, so I will teach her.

We both were sad at the lunch table, but Amalie said,
"More swim. I goin lake"
So, we spent the afternoon again at the lake. She had so much fun but she was still a little scared in the deep water. When we came home, she said,
"Amalie, swim deep water. CAKE! CAKE!"
So, we walked down to the Starbucks. Amalie chose a coffee cake by herself, and I had an espresso. We sat inside and outside, and we had a great time as her 'what a day' prize. It felt amazing to have a coffee at the cafe with Amalie. She is growing up. I'm very impressed by Amalie's positive thinking and action.

So, we keep going to the Oswego lake as much as possible. And, today wasn't so bad with Amalie's requests.

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I just updated our crazy days on my blog. It's 4:30am. I need to go to a bed. Painting house is waiting for me in the morning. I don't know why. I have a only child, and stay home, but do all the households, and work on the house, plus Amalie's swiming, park, playdates......I need more time.

The picture is Amalie riding tricycle on this narrow sidewalk. We just need to put pavers on our driveway-----well, it will probably not be for a while.





Amalie's World

Amalie brought all the equipment, dressed and accessorized herself, and then she had a recital in the Kitchen.

*This is a video. Click the triangle to start.



Summer Dress

I recently made this dress.


Rose Garden




We had a photo session at the rose garden. My grandma made this kimono when I was born, and I wore it.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Japanese girls at a shrine, dressed up for the Shichi-Go-San festival
Shichi-Go-San (seven-five-three
) is a traditional
rite of passage and festival day in Japan for three and seven year-old girls and three and five year-old boys, held annually on November 15.

Shichi-Go-San is said to have originated in the
Heian Period amongst court nobles who would celebrate the passage of their children into middle childhood. The ages three, five and seven are consistent with Japanese numerology, which dictates that odd numbers are lucky. The practice was set to the fifteenth of the month during the Kamakura Period.
Over time, this tradition passed to the samurai class who added a number of rituals. Children—who up until the age of three were required by custom to have shaven heads—were allowed to grow out their hair. Boys of age five could wear hakama for the first time, while girls of age seven replaced the simple cords they used to tie their kimono with the traditional obi. By the Meiji Period, the practice was adopted amongst commoners as well, and included the modern ritual of visiting a shrine to drive out evil spirits and wish for a long healthy life.


We went to Ryan's co worker's home party. They had a live band, whole pig, and over 100 people. We enjoyed socializing with Ryan's boss, Dave and his wife, Lois. Ryan is tired from painting the house, Amalie doesn't know what to do here.



Washing Machine

The new washing machine came to our house. It's one of those Energy Star appliances. It's awesome. It only uses 4 gallons of water, and spins so fast, so clothes only need to be in the dryer for 15 min. The first time we used it, the three of us sat there and watched its operation. It's entertaining Amalie. Of course, she insisted her shirt is dirty, and put it in there.




Is this from the 80's or 70's? This groccery store, Wizers, needs to be updated. I go there every now and then if I really need something, and don't have time on the way home, but the whole building smells. Amalie likes to ride this motorcycle and the horse, though. She doesn't like that they move, and she begs me "No money, please...". A year ago, we thought she would love it moving, so we put quarters in it. As soon as it started moving she was frozen by fear, and tramatized since. The set of this old smell, unmoving ride, and Amalie's echoing laugh really make me feel poor and sad.

Art Works


It's like a castle from Middle Ages. I'm excited of her future.



Wednesday, July 23, 2008



Thursday, July 10, 2008

Water again


On the way coming home from running errands, Amalie had her own errand at the Millennium park fountain.


We went to the swim park in Oswego Lake with Amanda and her family. We had so much fun. Look at Amalie's smile. Amazingly, this time the water was not green. It seems to be cleaner than last year since they emptied out last winter. It was just perfect!!!


Monday, July 07, 2008

Lovely Fruits

Rainier Cherries and black grapes.
They make me excited about the beginning of the summer.
Last winter, we planted a cherry tree which has three different kinds of cherries on it, including Rainier, but I wonder if it is possible to grow black grapes at home? ...Oregon is famous for pinor noir, hmmm~


Friday, July 04, 2008

Independence Day


We got a flag this year!
Serious American patriot cup cakes. I couldn't eat even one bite of these kinds of cake with sugar and shortening frosting until 3 years ago. Now, it's my essential item for quality time every night...

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Engnese? Japanesh?


「ピッピちゃん、Good nightネンネright in 木」

Amalie started speaking sentences. She can't pronounce 'S' and 'W' well, and she mixes and matches English and Japanese in one sentences, like:
"chappin mell"= "something smell"
"yipe" = "wipe"
"Amalie taberu chanditch by yoself" = Amalie eats sandwich by myself"

She doesn't hesitate saying something for the first time. She just says. I'm very impressed by her. I wish I could have the courage and observation for learning English for myself.

Flower arrangement by Amalie. Isn't it nice?