Friday, August 29, 2008


First, we apologize for placing this very personal matter here.

Some of you already know that we figured out Mutsumi is no longer able to be pregnant. It was very shocking news for us. It hurts us. Mutsumi has very high FSH (Follicle stimulating hormone) level. Normal levels are below 10.2mlU/ml, and the borderline level for pregnancy is between 10.2 to 13.9, but Mutsumi's level was 40 and 50. Women who are going through menopause have the same numbers. What it means is that she doesn't have any eggs left, or if there are any, they may not be in good condition. If Mutsumi is really going through early menopause, We need to see specialists to make plans for future health issues to support bones and etc. However, at the same time we can not give up hope that her body revives since she is young.

We still want to get pregnant. So, here is a huge favor: If you know anything good such as doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, supplements, herbs, food, exercises, etc. Please let us know. We are researching them as well. Right now, egg donors and adoption are not options for us, as well as we have financial limitations, since fertility isn't covered by insurance as much.

We'd like to let you know we are very happy with Amalie. She is the greatest gift for us. She is more than what we could ask for.

Thank you very much!

Ryan and Mutsumi

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Link to Amalie's Photo Shoot

Go to

Once you are there you will see the "guest log in" on the left side.

The username is: Ryan (case sensitive)
Password is: 16832

The next page will ask for your email and name (only for record keeping purposes, no solicitation).

Once you get to the actual page that says "Portraits of Amalie", and then you want to look to the left side of the page and click on "webshow", which will take you through all the pictures.

I hope you enjoy!

ユーザーネーム: Ryan (Rは大文字)
パスワード: 16832

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I wished something good will happen to us.


We couldn't to make it to the park.

We had to U-turn back to home on the way to the park. Amalie loves her Elmo umbrella.


Saturday, August 23, 2008

By Self

That's what she says for everything---washing hands, go potty, dressing, riding tricycle, cooking...

Once in a while, she'll hurt or burn herself, but it doesn't stop her being in the kitchen.

Also, she loves cleaning floor with her baby wipes. She rinses it, and keeps cleaning. She wants to call Ryan in a middle of her serious work, and she tells him,

"I'm busy! Ryan".

The name 'Amalie' is Scandinavian which means 'work'. She is it.





'Amalie' の名前はノルウェー語で’お仕事’という意味。本当にその通り。

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Good Job Us!

House is painted, garage door is in, lights are up, and we finished the garage! We just need a driveway...

FYI: This is a final coat of paint. It's not a primer. I know the color came out lighter than the sample was, but some people still ask us from the street,

"So, what color are you painting."

"..........Uhhhh, this is it."

"....Oh~! It's nice"

Then they hurry their way off. I think if we make custom shutters and a trellis over the garage with a dark espresso color it would be nice.


We are switching a 4x6 window to a patio sliding door this weekend.

Amalie is a girl!

My friend, Tomoko made this bracelet for Amalie. Amalie is of course, really excited about this new JEWELRY.



Night Picnic

Summer is back!

Michael Allen Harrison came to the Westlake Park, so we had a picnic dinner tonight. I made miso marinaded salmon, roast zucchini, cauliflowers, celery and grape salad, rice balls and banana bread for desert.

Michael Allen Harrison is a pianist. We like him playing classical music, and his CD,'BEDTIME LULLABIES’is the best. Besides, Patric Lamb was there, too. He played lots of the saxophone and the clarinet.

It was hot during the day, but there was breeze at the field. I was full with great food, music and beautiful sky (horrible camera work!).



今日はサマーコンサートでバンド編成だったけど、マイケル・アレン・ハリソンのクラッシックが素敵です。ピアノの子守唄も出していて('BEDTIME LULLABIES’)最高。それに加えて、なんとパトリック・ラムが出演していて、びっくり。サックスホーンとクラリネット、たくさん聴けて、ピクニックもおいしかったし、空はきれいだったし、夏だし、つかの間のひとときでした。

Saturday, August 09, 2008


She is hiding her bald spot.

Just letting you know that I clean this mirror often. This is Amalie extract.



Cerial eater at the park






Patric Lamb

We went to Patrick Lamb's concert at the Bridgeport Village.

Although he was singing most of the time yesterday, he is a excellent saxophonist. His sound is not too strong, but powerful, and exciting. Anyway, look at this little boy with a toy guitar. He was playing very hard with ear plugs in his ears. It was cute. I just respect these professional musicians even more for having a little special guest.

Ryan and Amalie were at the gelato cafe (inside!). I guess the music was too loud for her.




Lake Pool



We are at the lake everyday. It helps that it's so close to our house. We are there only 30min a day, but Amalie is getting better everyday. She can blow bubbles, put her face down, kick water while holding a fence, and she can do the back stroke with my support. It was pretty hot earlier this week, so Ryan came with us. Amalie got very excited about it, and she showed off so much. It is really amazing how fast kids can learn things!