Thursday, December 09, 2010


In Amalie's world, there is no concept of being serious. She does concentrate and focus when she is creating artwork, but nothing else. She is very distracted while she listens to others, eats, gets ready in the morning, for example, she cried hard in the car on the way to home from school, because she forgot to eat any of her snack. How? There is a snack time on a table which two teachers watching from start to the end. Also, she doesn't tell me anything that she does at the school, so I miss something I am supposed to help or do. Recently, when I had time to talk with Ryan, I told him that Amalie can't stop and look into my eyes while we talk, and I have no idea what she does at the school. It was a serious conversation. Then, Ryan just jumped off from a couch, started doing push ups, and said "Oh, I was like that. I remember."

That's it.

Amalie, do you have any of my DNA in there somewhere???

Ryan, can we have a bit more serious conversation about our kids?

You guys, I am serious.





PS: 今、反省の時間から出てきて、何を言い出すかと思えば、「ごめんなさい。・・・・で、フライドトーストのレシピはね、パンにりんごをたくさんのせて、ニンジンもたくさんのせて、チーズをのせて、で、パンをまたのせて、オーブンでやくの。かいてあげるよ。ままのれしぴ。」って。



My friend, Julie got exclusive VIP pre-opening tickets to H&M. So, I went out at night, which never happens to me anymore. If I have to chose one word for this night, it was survival. It started with this line wrapped around the building full of campers for the next days grand opening. People were dressed as if it was prom. Come on, guys, it's H&M! I saw lots of fashionable guys, but the ladies looked all the same. It's a little sad that the trend setters in Portland are not adventurous. Inside, there were too many people and alcohol. Julie and I missed each other a couple of times, but we couldn't even hear cell phones, because the DJ worked so hard on his music coming from the huge speakers. It was like I was working out in really thin air. In the chaos, I started feeling youth with enormous energy again. When we came out, Julie said she was proud of ourselves. Yeah, me too. Probably, most of the people in there have great single lives, even the ones who are married. On the other hand, we are Lake Oswego moms, and I am is still nursing a baby. We laughed so much. I had a super-duper fun time in that spot with her.

Thank you, Mike and Julie. Julie, we should do something like this again!






This year for my birthday, Ryan brought a rose bouquet and a mocha. When he came home, Amalie ran to me, and she shouted! She looked like her eyes had popped out.

"Mama, close your eyes! Papa got roses for you. It's a SURPRISE!"

I was surprised by her face with huge white eyes and big nostrils.

Anyway, thank you, Ryan.



It's already a month ago, but Amalie turned 5 years old.


Birthday No.1. Birthday Eve. Candles on a Japanese sweet.


Birthday No. 2. At her school.

Birthday No. 3. Marshmallow dipped in chocolate. They were too sweet. I couldn't swallow it.


Birthday No.4. I thought I didn't have time to make cake this year, but I did anyway a few days later. This year, Amalie wanted to do a Panda birthday.

Birthday No.5. Her real birthday party with her friends.

It took me until 3am to make this panda cake. It's pretty messy, but I'm glad it didn't collapse. The cookies are supposed to be pandas, but they look like devils.

Panda pizza.

So, we had a pizzeria party. Each kid made their own pizza. This is Amalie's.


Panda anatomy.


The party was produced by Amalie. So, she worked as well. Aren't they cute? One looks like it is about to cry, one looks like very upset, and one (left below) looks pretty effeminate.



I'm glad at least I took pictures of them. I don't know why I'm so busy, but I am. No matter how much I work, I'm am always standing in the kitchen, doing laundry and cleaning, still the house is always messy. I'm about to scream for HELP!