Wednesday, October 14, 2009

It was close.


It was close. I accidentally stabbed my wrist about a month ago. I literally thought how was I going to ER - staining the car seat along the way, and it would cost a lot for stitches. Fortunately, all I needed were several band aids. Anyway, please don't think I tried something else.


Ryan and Amalie went on a date to the Blazer's basketball game tonight. Ryan was so excited. I'm curious how Amalie would feel and what she would like. So, tonight is my own night. I just came home from an hour walk, and still enjoying the quiet moment.



They came home now. Amalie's highlight of the game was all about cheerleaders and those guys who threw the girls in the air. Also, she said she liked only one basketball player, and she is super sad that Ryan missed catching a plastic ball which was shot from the court.

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