Saturday, February 25, 2012

Kichen Remodel Update vol.14 -hardwear and lights.

Which one? 
The left is what we had in our kitchen for 8 years, and the right is the new one for this new kitchen.  We used Amerock Round Knob Crosley.
I didn't want too many colors since my kitchen always has so many things around.  I also thought the bronze knobs would pick up colors from the tiles. 

今までのキッチンで使っていたノブが左のステンレス製、新しく買ったのがこれ。買い換えなくても良かったのですが、 このブロンズ色の方がタイルとも合うし、すっきりしているかとも思い、これに決定。
What to do? 
Another thing I still haven't figure out is lighting.  I've looked at different light fixtures wherever we go, but couldn't find ones to fit our small new kitchen in our older house.  I should say I couldn't find anything to fit our budget.  Every thing I was happy with had WOW! price tags.  I finally found this used old light for $20, while we were running some errands at the Rebuilding Center.  I can paint this to turquoise.  Can we use it?

そして、未だに納得感のない電器類。古い我が家の小さいキッチンに合うものがなかなかなくて、難しい!この半年間ホームセンターやインテリアショップをいろいろ見て回りましたが、「あ、これだ!」と思っても 目玉の飛び出る値段だったりの繰り返し。そしてやっと、つい最近、資材を再利用するようなお店でこの電器を20ドルで見つけました。この安さなら失敗しても大丈夫。とりあえず取り付けてみよう。ターコイズブルーに塗ろうかな。

To match with this light, we bought an outside porch light for the center of the kitchen.  The one above the sink will be changed to a hanging one, which I'm making the shade right now.  I'll post when it's done.  


By the way, in our house, there is always a debate about how low or high to hang lights.  Ryan is super tall, so he claims he can't walk through if lights are hung too low.  But, don't you think that the tulip light is hung a bit too high?  I haven't paint it to turquoise, yet.  I might leave it as is.  What do you think?

ところで、ターコイズには、まだ、塗っていません。どうなんだろう。 どうしよう。

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