Saturday, September 22, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.3 Nice Weekend.

今日も引き続き警戒しつつも、ファーマーズマーケットに行ったり、穏やかでのんびりな土曜日を過ごせました。もう涙も枯れたのか、 覚悟が決まったのか、不思議と平和で、今日も幸せで感謝しています。そして、やっぱり、ブログを書いていこうと思っています。へたくそなんですけど、写真を撮るのも、物を作るのも、日記を書くのも、大好きなので。前のようにDIYは(特にリフォームやガーデニングは)できないけれど、これからもよろしくお願いいたします。

I am having a really nice weekend starting with a doctor's appointment on Friday evening.  My blood counts were good enough to go out, and all the side effects are making me suffer, which I love!  The side effects make me happy, since that means the chemo is working.  For a reward, I got a soy mocha, then we had a date at Trader Joes.  It was the longest visit to T.J.'s I have ever had.  We went through all the aisles, and we picked bags full of treats for all of us.  The kids got Halloween cookies already:). 

Today, I even went to the farmer's market.  The weather is so nice, too.  Somehow, my tears are gone, although I was crying like a baby until a few days ago. Is it because am I too tired thinking of the disease?  or did I move on?  or is it one of the side effects to have a flat feeling?  I don't know, but I found a little peace somewhere.  I'm thankful that my tears are gone.  The picture is "the return of a skateboarder papa".  Don't break any bones, Ryan!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.2


Sunrise from my hospital window, and the bags of chemo, which are fighting my cancer.  
I just finished my first round, and I came home.  I need to go back there in a couple of weeks.  I still have bottomless fear that chemo might not beat the cancer, if my heart stops in the middle of the night, if the kids find me cold in the morning......I can handle any pain and discomfort, but it really hurts me that I can't even take care of the kids, and I still feel like this is a bad dream.  However, in the process of telling the kids the truth of what we are facing, posting on my blog, facing this hard treatment, etc. slowly, I am getting this is not a dream.  This is real, and I need to fight it.  I need to be standing and laughing next year with the kids.  I will do whatever it takes.  I'm not a strong person, so, you might see me whining in the future.  When that happens, please keep support me.  I need your support and encouragement.
Thank you for thinking of me and sending powerful prayers. I feel I am lifted by the prayers of my friends and family. The feeling is getting stronger and stronger. Thank you again for praying for us.


Monday, September 10, 2012

My sickness.





I have unhappy news.  I have a stage 4 cancer.  
It is a very unusual and aggressive cancer.
While I was waiting for all the tests, I literally saw my happiness slipping through my fingers.  With all my heart, I wanted to survive for my two little children, but my mind kept filling with the worst case scenario.

However, I recently finally realized there are so many friends and family around me offering their hands for help.  They and their friends and their friends pray for me and my family.  With all  the prayers and everybody's help, I finally saw the best doctor today.  I will admit myself tomorrow, and I will start chemotherapy.  He said it is curable.  I will trust him.  I wiln do whatever it takes to come back as a healthy, happy mom.  So, please pray for my family.  I want to be with my children.  I want to see them go to school together.  I want to see them at their first prom.  I want to see them being high school teenagers.  I want to see them taking off to college.  Together with my husband, I want to see them forever...

Thank you!