Saturday, September 22, 2012

Living with Cancer vol.3 Nice Weekend.

今日も引き続き警戒しつつも、ファーマーズマーケットに行ったり、穏やかでのんびりな土曜日を過ごせました。もう涙も枯れたのか、 覚悟が決まったのか、不思議と平和で、今日も幸せで感謝しています。そして、やっぱり、ブログを書いていこうと思っています。へたくそなんですけど、写真を撮るのも、物を作るのも、日記を書くのも、大好きなので。前のようにDIYは(特にリフォームやガーデニングは)できないけれど、これからもよろしくお願いいたします。

I am having a really nice weekend starting with a doctor's appointment on Friday evening.  My blood counts were good enough to go out, and all the side effects are making me suffer, which I love!  The side effects make me happy, since that means the chemo is working.  For a reward, I got a soy mocha, then we had a date at Trader Joes.  It was the longest visit to T.J.'s I have ever had.  We went through all the aisles, and we picked bags full of treats for all of us.  The kids got Halloween cookies already:). 

Today, I even went to the farmer's market.  The weather is so nice, too.  Somehow, my tears are gone, although I was crying like a baby until a few days ago. Is it because am I too tired thinking of the disease?  or did I move on?  or is it one of the side effects to have a flat feeling?  I don't know, but I found a little peace somewhere.  I'm thankful that my tears are gone.  The picture is "the return of a skateboarder papa".  Don't break any bones, Ryan!


Anonymous said...

睦美、素敵な土曜日をすごせたようで、嬉しく思います!Ryan, 素敵な旦那様ですね!! 素敵な旦那様だね!! 日本は遠いけど、心はいつもそばにいるよ!!いつでもメールコメント待ってます!


YURI said...


Mutsumi said...


Mutsumi said...
