Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mama's treat.



VooDoo Doughnuts.  I got them from a cart with no line at all!
I've been really busy with lots of's like a new life for me as well as there were lots of things waiting for me since last year...and plus I started working just for a little bit.  It's been so long since the last time I filled out payroll paperwork, and I feel very underqualified, but here was an opportunity to give back to the community and help others and of course, us.

So, after my first shift, I got a doughnut for our kids.
Super sugar and super food coloring, right?  I wanted to get one for each one of them, but I chickened out and made them share one :)

Oh, it feels so GOOD.  Looking at these guys smile with a small treat like this, which I got on my own, not with my husband's income.  Haha~.


Monday, September 09, 2013

Living with Cancer vol.22 - PET scan was clear!

OMG! It's been so long.  I don't know how to even re-start this blog.  

Summer just flew by so fast.  We did so much, we still have so many things we want to do before it starts getting cold, and I have so many things to do.  So, I had a PET scan.  About a few weeks before the scan, I was feeling pain everywhere, and I was coughing , so I was very nervous if cancer was back, and if it even spread to my lungs.....then, my days and time stopped as I couldn't focus or do anything.  BUT, 
the PET scan was CLEAR!!!!!
We need to celebrate, right?   
When we heard the good news, Amalie and Luther got purely happy smiles with tears.  I just feel---Sorry for those guys:(  They are so little, and they always have to have this feeling that their mama might need to go back to the hospital, and they might lose their mama.  It hurts my feeling.

Well anyways, everything is going well.  I will dig into our photos from this summer, and I will SLOWLY start blogging our memories and whatever else I am tackling.  
Again, thank you for your prayers and support:)

夏休みは、思いっきり満喫しました。まだ寒くなる前にやりたいことが山ほどあるし、やらなきゃいけない事も山積みです。 アメリカに帰ってきてからは、体調が少し優れなくて・・・PETスキャンの前はいつもそうなんですけど、体中が痛くて咳も止まらなくて、ガンの再発と転移に心の準備というか、家中の掃除や片づけをしたり、冷蔵庫が満タンになるまで保存食を作ったり。なんだか、そんな事をして他にはなにも手につかず、集中できなくて、困ってしまいます。
