Friday, March 02, 2012

DIY Patio vol.1 -planning and digging. Hardscape!

I thought we were crazy when we started making the patio while we were still working on remodeling our kitchen.  My parents were here to help us to watch kids and do household chores, so we could finish the kitchen as fast as possible, but one morning, they asked me if they can do some sort of project as well, so I said, "You can dig our backyard, so we can start putting in a patio."  Then, the next thing I noticed was they were outside with an extension cord and a tape measure.  If you notice, my mom is still in pink PJs! 

We use these left over pavers from our driveway to make the patio.
My mom and Amalie started digging.  I don't know if Amalie is really helping or what?!
My dad joined, so my mom can cook dinner.  F.Y.I., I wasn't sitting around.  Ryan and I were still full time construction workers building our new kitchen.  Besides, my parents were born, raised and living in downtown Tokyo, so doing something outside like this in real dirt and grass really excites them.
Amazing!  They dug this out in a couple of days.  After digging, we borrowed our neighbors tamper to make the surface even.  
芝生を剥がすのが精一杯だろうと思っていたのに、なんと2日間で掘ってしまいました。平らにしたら、 タンパーで押し固めます。
I almost forgot this important fact; we made this mostly flat, but dropped a 1/4 inch per foot for drainage.  Since, Portland gets an average of 155 days of rain a year.

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