Thursday, March 15, 2012

Miso - after 11 months.

I know I should be working on the post about my patio, but it takes a whole a lot of energy, and I've been really sick; I got the flu even though I had a flu shot!.  I haven't been this sick in years.  Anyways, I've been, and I'm going to continue to post some random things. 

After 11 months, homemade miso is finally in my kitchen.  The saltiness has depth, and it's even sweet.  It's probably the best miso I've tasted in my life.  I know because I made it, so that's why only I think it's good, but it seems better than the high-end miso from the traditional, specialty miso shop near my parent's house in Japan.  To be more healthy, I put way less salt than I was suppose to, and we had a really cold summer, so the fermentation was really slow.  That might be what caused it to be so great.  I think there is an alternative recipe you can finish in 3 months, but the normal recipe calls for 9 months.  When I checked mine at 9 months, it was really salty and sharp, so I rested it another month, then one more month, and then finally it was finished after 11 months.  If you are curious how to make it, you can check here: 

インフルエンザにかかってしまいました。予防接種受けているのに。症状は軽め?なのですが、やっぱり高熱とあの独特の体の痛さと激しい頭痛にやっつけられています。それでも主婦、お休みなしなのが 哀しいかな。


始めに仕込んだ時よりも熟成されて(カビと共に除去した分もあるけど)、 量が減りました。健康の為にお塩を減らしたのと、冷夏の影響で、熟成に11ヶ月もかかりました。9ヶ月の頃に味見してみたら、塩分が買っていたのが、今では甘みさえ感じるほどまろやかーに仕上がり大満足。今年も仕込まなきゃ。味噌作りの工程はこちらから。

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