Thursday, March 29, 2012

I have the Power!

I always feel horrible about myself when I hear other moms say "We don't let our kids watch TV."  TV is my reliable helper.  There are some pretty good shows on PBS Kids, and my kids are learning both Japanese language and culture from Japanese TV, moreover TV time gives me time to cook dinner or give mama a break.  However, I do care what and how long they watch.  I make sure the content is safe and educational, if the vocabulary is for kids, if it's age appropriate, etc.

Not so long ago, when I was trying to quit nursing Luther before his bedtime, my husband was supposed to put him to sleep one night.  I thought Luther was already asleep, so I walked in to the our bedroom, and they were watching He-Man.  Do you know He-Man?  He is almost naked, and he always has a big sword.  I don't really know what they are, but people and animals are fighting very violently.  According to my husband, it's for kids, and it's okay.  He-Man is a good guy.  Is it?  This one night became Luther's routine before going to bed instead of nursing.  Now, he loves He-Man.  He poses and shouts
"Fish Tower!"  (aka: "I have the Power!" something that He-Man shouts.)

And, this is his sister
'The most powerful Hero'

「家はね、子供にテレビ見せないの。」というママに出会うたびに罪悪感を感じつつも、テレビに助けられている私です。子供用の教育テレビには、英語がネイティブでない私には普段教えてあげられない実験と科学のような番組もあるし、Dr.SeussのThe CAT in The HATなどなど良いプログラムもたくさん。それより、日本の教育番組には日本語といっしょに日本の文化まで教えてもらえて、子供がテレビをみてくれる時間に、夕飯の支度をしたり、ちょっと休憩したり、テレビってまさに私のお手伝いさん。
「フィッシュ タワー」 (本当は「アイ ハヴ ザ パワー」。)

感化された姉までもが、'The most powerful Hero' アマショー!

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