Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Green Tomato

Green tomatoes on a laundry rack.

This idea came from our neighbor friend, Margo who lived in Colorado, so she knows this little trick. She told me that if we hang tomatoes by the roots on in a garage, they would ripen. I already cut them all by the time she passed by, so mine don't have roots, but it seems working anyway. I just like looking at their colors changing everyday. Beautiful.




Beef stew, garlic and cheddar cheese toast and tomato salad.

Ryan made dinner last night. It only happens once in a while ever since we had Amalie and this house project, but it means a lot to me. Thank you, Ryan.



Friday, November 14, 2008

Luxurious Cream


My birthday was the next day after Amalie’s, which is a fact that I want to ignore, and please ignore that in the future from now on. However, I bought this awesome cream as my parents’ gift for me. It’s a positive thinking potion for me, because of my health condition, I have a fear that I might turn into a manly man or an old lady. Anyway, this cream works. So, I recommended it to Ryan for his forehead lines. Guess what he said after using. “What is this? Mint? We have mint in the garden. Why don’t you rub mint from there? It’s free, too.” Oh, he doesn’t ・・・・・

This is my most favorite gift from Amalie. She handed to me, and said “Mama’s Happy Birthday card.” She melts me~.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Am I pretty?

We took Amalie to the Children's Museum. Her favorite thing is of course, 'The Water Works'. Also, face painting. Here is the outcome after two years practicing putting on make up.
It's sort of cute,

And then...her proud face putting on the final touches.


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Three Years Old!




Sunday, November 09, 2008

Party Dinner

We had an early birthday dinner for Amalie with our great friends, the Winn's family. What Amalie wants for her birthday would be definitely playing friends since she is an only child. After I told Amalie the dinner plan, she kept coming to the kitchen window to see if they are coming. She was so excited, so were we.

I always enjoy making a big meal, but this time, everything went wrong by starting a flu shot I got yesterday. The nurse put the whole length of the needle into my arm. As soon as she shot me, my fingers got cramped, and then the right side of my body went numb. It was even hard to walk. Then, late night after my arm became capable to cook, I couldn't beat egg whites for the cake somehow. After waisting 8 eggs with a third trial, I finally made it by opening a new egg carton. Were the eggs old? I just bought them last weekend. Today, the propane went out middle of the BBQing, and Ryan burnt the roast beef by adding more charcoal. So, he ran to the store to get a new one, but the roast they had was very lean, and not enough marinade time, we made a tasteless+toughest roast beef. Moreover, the computer of the bread machine stopped working. I was panicked at that point. Without thinking, I hand kneed and raised to the roll. The result was all 12 rolls got to a one big flat bread. Yes, it was a recipe for the machine, not for the hand kneed rolls......Anyhow, the Winn's family were the nicest people to eat them. Even the kids said the food was good. How do they raise kids so polite? On the other hand, Amalie took away every toy that Hailey was playing with, and Amalie showed the strongest dragon eyes I've never seen. We had to have a heart to heart.
We really had a great time. It was very fun to hang out with Brad and Amanda while kids were playing, running and laughing. Oh, they are our precious friends.
Tonight's menu was fire burned roast beef, big flat bread, little ball sushi with salmon, avocado and eggs, tofu steak, chayote squash vinaigrette, garden salad and blackberry moose cup cakes.




Saturday, November 01, 2008

Trick or Treat

Amalie had her 3rd Halloween. This year, she really could do trick or treat. I know she is extremely shy for strangers, but she bravely said "Trick or treat" and "Thank you" with her quiet voice. I asked her if she was nervous. She said "Yeah." I would if I were her. Good job, Amalie.

By the way, we bought several bags of candies, and only few kids came to our door. Is it sick that I'm excited to work on the rest of candies for my quality time?

