Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentines

The 'Black Beauty' from La Provence Bakery. This is our Valentine's chocolate for us.
(It was good, and I love any chocolate desert, unfortunately it seems like their quality dropped. I don't think we would go back there anymore sadly. )

This is Ryan's requested birthday and Valentine's day dinner. Rib Eye steak, mashed potato souffle, roast asparagus and beets, tomato salad followed by espresso and chocolate cake. Ha! It was delicious! Why we would go out, deal with people, and pay tips which can cover the cost of another plate?......Am I getting old??? I love eating at home.


Ryan's birthday was just a busy ordinary day. It was a busy morning as well as in the afternoon, I had a doctor's appointment. Amalie was babysat by my dearest friend, Amanda. It was a real treat for Amalie. Thank you, Amanda! We got home 5 min before Ryan did, and there was no gifts, plans or dinner ready. I felt bad. However, he found this pink camera for Amalie. With this smile, it's a present for him more than Amalie. He said he needs to figure out how it works before Amalie uses, but he put Amalie in a bath, then played with it for a good 45 min or so while I cooked dinner. Of course, Amalie went nuts over the new real camera until she went to bed. Then, he was playing with it again. Happy birthday, Ryan.


Monday, February 09, 2009


Recently, wherever we go, I have conversations about preschool with other moms. Which one is good, which one is clean, which one we are thinking... Amalie is going to start preschool this March. So, when we go to the Hallinan school park on the weekends, we tell her, "It's not a park, this is a school. School is fun. You can play a lot, and there are lots of friends."

Today, we were eating an afternoon snack, and we saw a school bus. Then, Amalie said,
"Sad.....Amalie go to school."
I asked "Why are you sad?"
She said "Not Amalie, Mama miss me, but you are okay. It's okay~ It's okay~. No cry, mama."
She even tapped my shoulder followed by a big hug and big kisses with her black chocolate mouth. What in the world?!!!!
I confirmed she won't miss me and cry after I drop her off. She said no. I don't know if she knows the concept, but for sure, I am already sad, and miss her.







Sunday, February 08, 2009


This is a video. Click the play button to start. / ビデオです。

Amalie joined me as the drummer when I did ‘Core Rhythms’ exercise which has sort of Latin dance music. However, I couldn’t hear anything…..


Friday, February 06, 2009

New Diet

      okara(ground soybean)salad / おからサラダ
So, I found out why I don’t loose weight easily for how much I work out and not eating. It was the ‘not eating’ part. I guess my body was (hopefully) storing fat cells instead of not burning. The hormone replacement treatment is effecting it too. So, I found this diet from a Japanese national TV program. For each meal; eat 2 kinds of protein, 1 kind of carbohydrate, and choose potatoes and beans or half of fruits, and I can eat vegetables as much as I want. Each meal has to be 400 cal, so only half of table spoons of oil, and less sugar. I have been doing this for a week. Of course, I still eat chocolate, but I don’t crave for food as much as I was. I don’t need to make trips to the kitchen and snack bit by bit all day. I don’t know how it works. I’m scared if it will make me chunky. I never eat this much protein in my life. I hope it turns off the switch in my brain that controls fat cell storage.


Potluck Dinner

The Winns family and we had a potluck dinner last Friday night. I made curry, chicken and rice; Amanda made the yummiest Asian salad which was really the best I have had in my life, and a fabulous lemony cake and brownies. I almost wanted to keep eating her salad. It was that great. We had so much fun as usual. How are all their kids so sweet and so much fun??? Every part of it was very entertaining. Even after we got home, Amalie told us what was gong on for about 30 min non-stop action and talking. Oh, we love you guys. And, thank you so much. Sorry for leaving the cleaning behind us!

