Sunday, February 15, 2009


Ryan's birthday was just a busy ordinary day. It was a busy morning as well as in the afternoon, I had a doctor's appointment. Amalie was babysat by my dearest friend, Amanda. It was a real treat for Amalie. Thank you, Amanda! We got home 5 min before Ryan did, and there was no gifts, plans or dinner ready. I felt bad. However, he found this pink camera for Amalie. With this smile, it's a present for him more than Amalie. He said he needs to figure out how it works before Amalie uses, but he put Amalie in a bath, then played with it for a good 45 min or so while I cooked dinner. Of course, Amalie went nuts over the new real camera until she went to bed. Then, he was playing with it again. Happy birthday, Ryan.


1 comment:

The Winns said...

Happy belated birthday Ryan! I loved having Amalie over, seriously bring her over anytime, she is such a sweetheart!