Friday, February 06, 2009

New Diet

      okara(ground soybean)salad / おからサラダ
So, I found out why I don’t loose weight easily for how much I work out and not eating. It was the ‘not eating’ part. I guess my body was (hopefully) storing fat cells instead of not burning. The hormone replacement treatment is effecting it too. So, I found this diet from a Japanese national TV program. For each meal; eat 2 kinds of protein, 1 kind of carbohydrate, and choose potatoes and beans or half of fruits, and I can eat vegetables as much as I want. Each meal has to be 400 cal, so only half of table spoons of oil, and less sugar. I have been doing this for a week. Of course, I still eat chocolate, but I don’t crave for food as much as I was. I don’t need to make trips to the kitchen and snack bit by bit all day. I don’t know how it works. I’m scared if it will make me chunky. I never eat this much protein in my life. I hope it turns off the switch in my brain that controls fat cell storage.


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