Friday, April 01, 2011

Tulip Festival?

Yesterday, Amalie had a school trip to a musical play at the Northwest Children's Theater. We watched 'Go, Dog. Go!'. It was a great show. They are super creative and fun. I loved this kind of school trip instead of the zoo or park. Amalie said she will remember this day forever. Since I was out with Amalie, Ryan took a vacation day to watch Luther all morning. After Amalie and I got back from the show, we all visited 'The Tulip Festival' at Woodburn. The guy at the entrance said they have three acres blooming. SO, we PAID to get in.

昨日はアマリの遠足で、ミュージカルを観に行きました。動物園や公園なんかよりもよっぽどいい。とってもクリエイティブで大人も子供も楽しめる素敵な舞台でした。ルーサーは連れて行けないので、ライアンとお留守番。家族や預けられる人がいないので仕方ないですね。せっかく、パパに仕事を休んでもらったので、午後はチューリーップ・フェスティバルに行きました。チーリップ好きなアマリがさぞかし喜んでくれるだろうと思って期待していたのですが、However, where are tulips? where is the field full of tulips? I tried to not complain. I tried to convince myself to enjoy what we are given, but

"I want my money back!"

"I want my time back!"

"This big sky in the middle of nowhere with our shoes all muddy - it just made me sad!"

I just dislike the farm is not telling truth. It maybe my personality that I don't like untruthful people.



Well, the tulip farm's neighbor had a horse and two donkeys. The kids loved watching them. I guess we had a great trip....


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