Wednesday, May 11, 2011

painted photo frame.


大きすぎて(27.5x32.5cm)合う額がなくてテーブルに置きっぱなしだったこの写真。金色の額にグレイのマットボードにしようと思って探していたら、この黒い額をIKEAの最終処分コーナーで5ドルで見つけました。おまけに、マットボードを買いに行くのもめんどうで、食料品店の紙袋をくしゃくしゃにして入れてみました。全く違うイメージだけど入れてみたら、やっぱり違う。縁起が悪い気さえする。There was this 10x13 picture that we had sitting in an envelope for a while on our dining table. I was originally thinking of doing a gold frame and gray mat board, but we found this black picture frame from IKEA's AS-IS section, and it was only $5.00. Obviously the mat board is not the right size. I didn't want to make a trip to the art supply store for a board, so a paper grocery bag found a life again here. However, this still looks like funeral picture with the black frame.

I painted. The first coat is light green, but before it dried, I put whitish paint with dry brush.


It turned out okay I think. The brown paper bag could be a light gray. I might paint (die) it later with sumi ink.


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