Friday, May 13, 2011

Tile cookies.

I found some mystery dough in my freezer. I cut it up into squares, and I baked them next to a roast beef. I soon discovered the dough was sugar cookies, and it tasted pretty good, even though it was in the freezer for long enough to get forgotten. Since I cut them square, I put icing like ceramic tile. Of course, Amalie made me the add pink ones. It reminded me of my ceramics student era.... I still miss working with clay, glaze, kiln, friends, studio and the life.
Well, here is my precious baby smiling with my work. When he eats something he likes, he gives me the biggest smile. It touches my heart more than any words. 忘れられる程長い間冷凍されていたのに、おいしかった。坊ちゃんもこの笑顔。おいしいものを食べて純粋に心の底から喜びを表現できるのってすごいなって思う。言葉以上に伝わってきます。

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