Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Summer break.



For those who often check my blog, I'm sorry I am not updating at all.  
I am unbelievably recovering everyday.

Right now, we are enjoying summer break 200%.

Amalie's school ended 10 days ago.  She enjoyed everything, and it was more than awesome for her to soak in Japanese lifestyle, but since it was the end of the 1st quarter, there were tests everyday along with loads of homework.  She stayed up till 10 pm to study even though I repeatedly said I don't care about her scores.  (Her usual bed time is 8 pm)  She is tough, and most of her math tests were 100 points....WOW!  Anyway, I don't know if she can even catch up to next year...

Well, we are seriously super busy.  The kids want to do and see so many things, and I have so many errands to run.  I've been taking photos here, and I have lots of things to write, but for mow, I'd like to focus on the kids' summer break instead of sitting on this computer.  There are only 10 days left here.  I will write a fabulous journal later.  

This exact wall was still here.  I was playing right on this same asphalt 30+ years ago.


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