Portland is known as the Rose City. No wonder it is call that, since roses are so easy to grow hare. Some of these are gifts from our former backyard neighbor, but we found most of them in this abandoned garden of ours when we moved here. They were in a sad condition, but now, most of them are full of blooms (our hybrid tea aren't quite blooming, yet). The scent of roses fills the outside air. nnnnn~. ポートランドはバラの街。そういうだけあって、簡単にバラが育ちます。裏に住んでいたガーデニングの巨匠夫婦に頂いたバラ達もすくすく育ち、私達が挿し木で増やした株はすでにフェンス代わりに壁になっています。引っ越してきた時は、荒れ放題だった庭の片隅でひっそり生きていたバラも今は咲き誇っています。今年は寒いのでハイブリッドティーはまだ蕾もありませんが。外に出ると、とってもいい香り。分けてあげたいな。
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