Sunday, June 26, 2011

Looong week.



Amalie and Papa came home with a trailer full of furniture from his mom's house. It took him 12 hours to drive instead of usual 10 hours one. Flying to Tokyo is faster than that. (11 hours out & 9 hours back!). Luther was so happy to see them even the next morning.

Then, we had swimming lessons all week. It was super exhausting for me. Getting all of us ready, and getting there on time was hard enough, but I had to get in the freezing water with Luther. Luther was the youngest one. He is not even speaking, yet, so he couldn't even follow any of the instructions, which means I did all of it for him. Singing and slow moving in the water was a quite a work out. Okay, I forgot to tell you this. The weather was COLD. After we got out of the water, I changed Luther as fast as possible, but since I was shivering, it was so hard. We tried to stay in the pool to play for a couple of days, but we didn't last more than 30 min. Well, the lessons were great. Amalie did super great job. It was so nice to see her seriously swimming. Luther.....he fell a sleep in water with a life jacket on, while we were waiting for our turn to do something. His report card says he didn't pass anything. I thought it was hilarious.

そして、先週は毎日スイミングのレッスンでした。一言で表現するなら、過酷。私が・・・。トイレをすませて(一人は直前にスイミングダイパーにはきかえて)着替えて、大荷物を抱えてバギーを押して、レッスンの時間にプールサイドに行くって事が、なんとも大変。なんといっても、天気が良くなくて寒いブルブル震えながらレッスンして、ブルブル震えながら二人を着替えさせて、私が着替える時は手が悴んで歯を食いしばって着替える位、寒かった。アマリのクラスが終わって、彼女をタオルで拭いてくるんで、先生との二者面談を終えると同時に、私もいっしょに、ルーサーのクラス。最年少で、話も出来ないルーサー。何も理解できないから、凍える水の中でスローに動きながら歌ったり、顔をつけたりしてるのは私。挙句の果て、ライフジャケットを装着したまま、昼寝に入ったルーサー。前代未聞らしい。最終日にもらったリポートカードは、先生の愛嬌で色んなデコレーションされていたけど、全ての項目が不合格でした。アマリはといえば、事務所の間違いで学童のクラスに入ってたらしい。どうも、一人だけちびっ子だなぁ、と思った・・・。でも、真剣にやれば出来るじゃない!と感心するほど泳げてたので、ご褒美にイチゴパフェを作ってあげました。 On Thursday, after swimming, Luther didn't take any naps, even though he was exhausted. I was really worn out, too. At 5:30, he was falling everywhere, and whining crazily, so I tried to put him in a baby carrier. He was kicking wildly, and then he kicked the lock super hard. The next thing I heard was a bad sound, and I saw he was laying flat on the floor. I picked him up. His nose was not straight. it was purple with red lines. His mouth was as big as dog's. We ran to the doctor's office. Everything seemed okay, but he might have broken nose. We don't know yet, since he was too swollen. It still hurts me to look at him.


This is the next day poor Luther. It's much better. I've been praying for his recovery.

By the way, what a crazy rush we were in to go to the doctor's office!?! Ryan had junky shirt and shorts, since he was about to wash the car, I had bloody dress shirt, workout pants with dressy sandals with an empty nice purse with just a box of tissue. Amalie had patterned shirt, skirt, socks, shoes...all miss-matched.

Luther, please no more accidents. You over-powered through Mama even though you are only 17 months.....



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