Ryan wanted to remodel the furniture that just came from his mom. I wanted to tackle the over-grown plants. The kids went inside the tent.日曜日の午後、義母の家からやってきた家具を改造するために、パパは日曜大工。私はガーデニング。子供達はカーズのテントに夢中。
It only lasted 10 min. Soon after, they came out to harass papa. Luther really wanted to touch every single tool including the power ones.
So, I gave them a tub of water to play with. That was a mistake. Luther put his foot (including his shoe) in. After 15 sec. I came back from putting his shoes and socks away, he was happily sitting in it with his pants and diaper on.
Amalie tried to pull him out, but he didn't want to.
Oops. He even didn't wanted to stand. He just wanted to sit in the tub. We put water back in. He was in there for a good 30 min. We could finally get some work done.立つ事も拒否して、そこに転げる。
After the water play, he worked with us so hard. It must be work-out to carry a heavy diaper around. 水遊びの後は、お仕事、お仕事。吸水ポリマー満タンのオシメ、重いだろうに・・・
Luther is back to normal routine after his fall.この日も壁に激突して、ひえぴた貼っていますが、ルーサーは元気です。
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