Friday, March 06, 2009


Girls day. This decoration was given to me when I was 3 months old by my grandma. It's Amalie's now. It is not purely white and shiny, but it brings back lots of memories. My brother and I used to secretly play with the samurai sword, the the brass tools, lacquer dishes, and lights. Traditionally, we eat this type of sushi, and cake (see below). My mom made the sushi dish, and I made a chocolate sponge cake with rice and soy flour and raspberry moose with tofu. お雛様でした。雛人形はわたしの祖母が初節句のときに買ってくれたもの。35年もの年月を経て海を跳び越して、やってきました。弟と刀やお道具で遊んだことを思い出します。今年はマクロビ使用の米粉と大豆の粉のチョコレートスポンジにお豆腐とクリームチーズ、木苺のババロアのケーキを作ってみました。そして、思いっきり普段のご飯。

1 comment:

The Winns said...

mmm, this looks so good!