Thursday, March 15, 2012

Cute Terrible Twos.

Our little guy is growing big, and so is his attitude.  He screams, forces and powers himself against me, especially me.  I think he knows his papa is pretty big, and he can't get away, but his mama is small, and she is too busy to deal with him, so she lets him do what he wants.  He takes his sister's toys, and breaks them.  He finishes his snack, then eats up his sister's snack.  He attacks everything his sister made, even her snowman, and he spit on it.  Yes, he is definitely in a terrible twos, which I personally think is a really cute age.

"Why do I need to come inside?!"

He isn't supposed to be playing with these stools.  It's dangerous.
"Look mama, Bridge.  I can see the window."

I started to set the lock on the water and ice dispenser.  He is trying to figure out how to unlock it.  He is getting smart!
お水と氷のディスペンサー。イタズラをするのでロックをかけていたのですが、 最近ロックを解除しようと一生懸命。解除されたら大変だ。よく見てるから気をつけよう。
"Me, water!.  Me water!"

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