Saturday, January 05, 2013

Living with Cancer vol.10 - Beautiful ice.


Frozen. And, it was beautiful outside.
I am writing this from a hospital room, because I am in the middle of my 6th round of chemo.  I am already pretty nauseous, and my vision is getting worse.  Before we got the great news of remission, I decided not to complain at all if I can get my life back.  Now, all I want to do is complain.  I am the weakest human life.  Hopefully, this is really the last time I have to deal with this.  Over the next five years, I still need to do a variety of tests, appointments, and a surgery to take my port out,but I get to live again, so those things are nothing, right?


We get sunny blue skies once in a while in the middle of winter.  Of course, everyone enjoys it.  It is freeeeeezing though.  After this weekend, school is restarting.  I guess Amalie doesn't seem like she is excited.  Her very first day of first grade started with news of my cancer.  Without my support, she is doing really well on her own.  However I feel bad for her, because my immune system has been so low, we couldn't let her do any after school programs, lessons, sports, play dates or birthday parties at all.  I can't imagine how nervous and sad she is around her happy friends.  After I get a little better, maybe we can start walking to school together.  On the way coming home, we can stop to get a hot coco sometimes.  Of course, we can have her friends over for play dates.  She just has to wait for a little more of mama's fighting.  I'm sorry, Sweetheart.

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