Saturday, October 26, 2013

I'm moving my blog.

ブログを2008年に初めてから、ずっとここで書いてきましたが、 この度お引っ越しする事にしました。


I have been blogging here for 5 and a half years, but I'm moving to a new place.

I won't completely shut this one down, so you can still see the archives, and you can link to the new blog.  

Thank you for visiting a part of my life, and I hope you can continually enjoy my blog with the new blogging site, ameba.
The new link is below:

Mutsumi Style

...artisanal life with two little monsters.


Wednesday, October 09, 2013

Living with Cancer vol.23 - Sharing my story.


やっ と最近になって、ガンという言葉を口にできるようになりました。一年かかって、やっと少し気持ちの整理ができてきたというか、肝が据わったというか、少し づつ話せるようになりました。まだ再発の恐れもあるし完治までは程遠いけど、私が話すことで誰かが少しでも明るくなれればいいな、と思っています。微力ですけどね。私は今も 戦っています。もしかして残された時間は短いのかな、とも思ったりします。だから、今できる事をせいいっぱいしようと思います。

ガンが寛 解になったのは、もちろん進歩した医学やお薬やお医者さま、看護師さん達のおかげでもありますけど、私を一番支えてくれたのはみなさんのお祈りでした。宗 教があってもなくても、みんなが祈ってくれたおかげで、応援してくれたおかげで、過酷な状況でも息を止めることなく今があるんだと思います。これは、そん なお話です。


Mutsumi’s Story: Hope Overcoming The Odds

I shared my story with our church.  This is the link.
It took me a year to be able to pronounce the word "cancer".  I was too scared.  If I said it, I felt like death was waiting for me.  Now, I am still fighting off fear while I'm recovering slowly from the chemo treatment.  I still think I don't know how much time I have left...My cancer is in remission, but I am still not cured.  If I can give someone hope, it lights up my heart, so I am sharing my story.

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

embroidered cuteness.

Guess what I embroidered on?
Luther's request was of course, 
"Thomas the train!"
It's not quite the actual Thomas, but he believes this is it. :)


Then, he continued with what he wants:
"And bus, and um um um pirate boat."




Then, this chick.  I tried to convince him to go with a monkey, penguin or something more boy-ish, not baby-ish, but he insisted he only wants this.  And, from behind the couch, my husband interrupted, and said "Mu, just do what he wants.  This is his, not yours."  Ha, I am the one making this happen.  Don't forget it!, but maybe he is right, Oh-kay; so, Luther gets a lovely chick on his undie.  

Yes, I embroidered on underwear.  



Luther loves them so much.  Every day, after his bath, he comes to the kitchen and tells me which one he is wearing.  He makes me so happy!  At the same time, knowing that he is growing out of this cuteness into real boy stuff, which makes me feel a bit of sadness.  Luther, thank you for letting me do cute things with your undies.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

organic veggies after weeding.


Have you seen this?  It's a rainbow beet, and it is so good in salad.  
We finished working our required time at the organic community farm.  It was not exactly fun...the kids can't step into the crops, so they had to be in the car with DVDs, and the owners are also the farmers, they are difficult to associate with, and the farm is far from where we live.  BUT, look at these veggies and fruits.  They are the best!  I've never tasted anything like this.  Everything is so rich and sweet.  I can't complain:)



U-Dig carrots.
How do they taste?  Of course, different from ones in bags at markets.


This green one is called romanesco broccoli.  It's in the cauliflower family though.  
Beautiful.  It's an art itself, isn't it?  
Since it was a little bitter when I simply just steamed it with salt, I made Au gratin with white sauce and mozzarella along with this orange cauliflower, then everyone loved it.  Oh, I think pickles might be good, too.





I love roasted peppers with balsamic vinegar, salt, honey and olive oil.  Here, how I roast. Just put them over a flame.  When one side turns black, turn them.  Keep going until the entire pepper is blackened, then you can easily peel off the skin, and the peppers are roasted just right.

All this organic produce is probably sold at Whole Foods which costs of fortune, and I probably just pass by not even looking because of the price tags.  After all the weeding in a huge field under the sun, spending most of weekends during the summer, we get these prizes....nnnnm, maybe, I'm gonna sign up for next year again.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Mama's treat.



VooDoo Doughnuts.  I got them from a cart with no line at all!
I've been really busy with lots of's like a new life for me as well as there were lots of things waiting for me since last year...and plus I started working just for a little bit.  It's been so long since the last time I filled out payroll paperwork, and I feel very underqualified, but here was an opportunity to give back to the community and help others and of course, us.

So, after my first shift, I got a doughnut for our kids.
Super sugar and super food coloring, right?  I wanted to get one for each one of them, but I chickened out and made them share one :)

Oh, it feels so GOOD.  Looking at these guys smile with a small treat like this, which I got on my own, not with my husband's income.  Haha~.
