Monday, November 30, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Ryan had a 9 day vacation, but we stayed home to work on many things. Even on Thanksgiving day, I painted upstairs for 3 hours, Ryan worked on the closet doors, then while Ryan took Amalie to the jacuzzi, I cooked the meal in 3 hours. When we finally sat down on the table, we were about passing out except Amalie who was dancing to Christmas carols. I made most of the things without turkey; pork chops, cranberry sauce, brussels sprouts and wild mushrooms casserole, stuffing, orange candied yams, swiss chard with ground sesame seeds, brioche rolls, lefse and a fruit cake. It took so long to cook lefse since we don't have proper tools. Anyway, lefse is tradition of Norway, and here is the Odegaards' recipe from Aunt Betty who is the legend of pastry chef.

Sunday, November 22, 2009



I know it's weird to put my picture. I am a narcissist.
Well, I cut my hair by myself again. Amalie was going crazy on the messy floor, and I was quite upset, then it got shorter, shorter, and shorter. Am I okay going outside?

Bishop's Close


We love to go walking at the Bishop's Close garden. The scenery changes throughout the year. A few weeks ago, we were checking each other's shoes saying, "Did you step on poo?". It wasn't poo. It was a Ginko nuts. It looks like a yellow cherry, and the fresh skin literally smells like between poo and puke. However, inside of the shells are jewel green, and it is used in Japanese cuisine. (It doesn't smell at all.) We went back with disposable gloves and boots, and we picked them this much! My tummy is too big, and I had to fight cramps, and I felt like almost puking.


In addition, we found him. This lizard eating a worm.......
Amalie loves to find new things in nature. We have quite a collection of her twigs and leaves on our porch.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


We had a little cake and piñata party. A few of our family friends spent time to coming for the party. Luckily, it didn’t rain, so we hit a piñata outside. It was fun for us as well as it was a big event for Amalie. She won’t forget this day for rest of her life. Thank you everyone!!!

Then, after・・・・・

Click the arrow. This is a video.


PS: I’m opening my piñata store. If you want a hand made piñata of your request, let me know :)



Amalie turned four years old. I can’t believe it. We already spent time with her for four years. Oh, we only have fourteen years to go until she is off for college. I wanted to hear her saying “Three years old” one more time, but she wouldn’t go back. She is so proud to be old. All she really wanted to do was going to the gym’s daycare and Jacuzzi with Ryan, and she wanted some princess balloons. I think her little wish is so cute. When she came back home, she ran to the kitchen, and asked me, “Mama, are you making the cake?” Then, I showed her the puff pastry swans with lemony custard and whipped cream. She got so sad. She just wanted the real ‘cake’ cake. However, before she went to sleep, she said “It was so much fun. I want to do my birthday again.” I guess this is the first birthday that she is aware of birthday cake, candles, gifts, and special treatments. It was fun to watch her today.


Does anyone know if these are edible? We have tons of them on the north side of hour house.


Amalie was a blue owl, just like from the design on her Starbucks travel mug. She even practices saying “Trick or Treat, hoo-hoo”
This year, we did 2 hours around with her best friend, Georgia and new friend, Dean. Georgia’s parents, Tony and Trilina were so prepared, and they served us an apple cider in travel cups while we walked. It was a really nice night. Surprisingly, Amalie isn’t shy anymore. I don’t know if it’s candy power, or if it’s because she is with her friends? The picture with the toilet was the best moment for kids. I don’t know if Georgia or Dean thought it was funny, but Amalie is into saying “Stink like poo” and “Yucky bottom” such things, so it was a crack up for her. It was good exercise for me, as well. I passed out on the couch as soon as we got home, but then ate some candy happily, so I couldn’t get to sleep until 4am. What a healthy pregnancy life…..

Chestnuts again

This year, we went to pick chest nuts every day for 2 weeks. Amalie became my weapon. She scares squirrel (they are the biggest competitors), and picks up nuts after I break shells with my feet. I cooked them, and eating everyday like an addict. Ryan said I’m wasting my time for it. We don’t need them. But, I need them for my life support. Oh, I miss the roast chestnut cart off from the train station in Tokyo.


Disney on Ice

Look at Amalie’s face and hands. She was so serious, and her hands on her legs. She didn’t move for a good 40 min, and made me nervous thinking if she didn’t like it or she is sad. It was great, but in my personal opinion, the Ringling Brother’s circus was the greatest. (If they come to your city, you should go. I’ve never seen such a show.) Of course, Amalie loved Mickey and Minny, and all the stories, but her most favorite was ice skater’s waving big blue scarves which looked like water for the Little Mermaid show. It’s very Amalie.