Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bishop's Close


We love to go walking at the Bishop's Close garden. The scenery changes throughout the year. A few weeks ago, we were checking each other's shoes saying, "Did you step on poo?". It wasn't poo. It was a Ginko nuts. It looks like a yellow cherry, and the fresh skin literally smells like between poo and puke. However, inside of the shells are jewel green, and it is used in Japanese cuisine. (It doesn't smell at all.) We went back with disposable gloves and boots, and we picked them this much! My tummy is too big, and I had to fight cramps, and I felt like almost puking.


In addition, we found him. This lizard eating a worm.......
Amalie loves to find new things in nature. We have quite a collection of her twigs and leaves on our porch.

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