Sunday, November 15, 2009


Amalie was a blue owl, just like from the design on her Starbucks travel mug. She even practices saying “Trick or Treat, hoo-hoo”
This year, we did 2 hours around with her best friend, Georgia and new friend, Dean. Georgia’s parents, Tony and Trilina were so prepared, and they served us an apple cider in travel cups while we walked. It was a really nice night. Surprisingly, Amalie isn’t shy anymore. I don’t know if it’s candy power, or if it’s because she is with her friends? The picture with the toilet was the best moment for kids. I don’t know if Georgia or Dean thought it was funny, but Amalie is into saying “Stink like poo” and “Yucky bottom” such things, so it was a crack up for her. It was good exercise for me, as well. I passed out on the couch as soon as we got home, but then ate some candy happily, so I couldn’t get to sleep until 4am. What a healthy pregnancy life…..

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