Tuesday, December 29, 2009

First Snow

First snow of the season. Amalie didn't want to come inside at all. She was laying down everywhere as usual. I don't know what's up with her laying wherever whenever ever since she was a baby. Is she a hippy?

Monday, December 28, 2009

Time Flies

So, Amalie believes Santa came from the upstairs window, and ate the cookies, and the reindeers ate the carrots. Every time, I use the same plate, she asks me, “Mama, did you wash it with soap and water? Really well?”, because she thinks reindeers licked the plate. She was very nervous how Santa would come, since we don’t have a chimney. How does he get in the house, is she going to see him, is he scary, etc. So, she was very happy that Santa and Christmas came. She kept saying “It was good. I’m really really really really really happy.” I’m more glad than Amalie that it was good day for her.


Sunday, December 27, 2009

Royal Icing

When I first moved to the U.S., even until now, I couldn't believe how much icing American love. Besides the icing is severaly tinted with food coloring additives. When Amalie first asked for a crazily colored coated sugar cookie at the Starbucks, after she was done, I took a bite of the leftover, and I tossed it because it was not even a buttely, sweet cookie. It tasted like old sugar.

Since then, this christmas, I made the first royal icing sugar cookies. It's not tasty, but it was FUN! Oh, my gosh. It was an eye opening experience. I was up till 2 am, and had so much fun. I LOVE DOING ICING.


I made some real good cookies from a Japanese pastry recipe. It has ground almonds, and it does make the cookie so crumbly and delicate. Amalie calls them adults cookies.


We miss Amalie.....

Amalie moved into her new own room. As soon as we brought the bed, moved all her clothes and toys to her closet, she decided to sleep by herself. It was really sudden after four years of co-sleeping with her. Since she is not a cuddly or touchy child, it was my only time to be so close and touch her soft cheeks and big tummy and even smell her hair. Oh, I really miss her. We literally cried with tears on the second night. It sounds like I'm a pervert.

This is my new buddy in a cold bed. My friend gave it to me from Japan. The bunny has a gel pack inside, and with a microwave it warms up in 30 seconds. It's genius!



Every year, the Texas sales team from Ryan's work sends a Xmas basket to his work (according to Ryan, it's a box of 4'x4'), and he brings home some mysterious things everyday. This year, they were chocolate covered pringles, caramel pecan and a singing tie. He brought home a Texas shaped chocolate chip fruit cake in past years, that I haven't seen, yet. Where do they find them? And, I'm curious who is in charge of the gifts??? Does anyone want this handsome tie?


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Our Christmas 2009

Ryan has leftover vacation at the end of the year, and we usually go somewhere, but this year, we are in a last minute rush to finish things before the baby comes. We are working on our last room of the house addition, and things need to be ready for the baby and guests. So, my motivation for Christmas is pretty low, and I'm not happy about it. For example, when we went tree shopping right before the store close on Sunday evening; I was dreaming about getting a 'Redwood' tree for almost a year, but the only thing we could buy was the 'Douglas Fir', because we didn't have enough cash.....

And, the horse carriage ride. We showed up in Christmas outfits on Saturday, but it was on Sunday. In addition, temperature dropped to 20 degrees the next day. It hurt our faces.....

And lastly, we left our house 5 minutes before the Christmas ship parade arrives in Lake Oswego. We drove there 40 miles per hour on State street (strictly 25 mph limit). However, nobody was there. It was done on the previous day....

So, at least, Amalie and I made a gingerbread house. It was fun. Amalie, sorry, we are not forcused.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Remote Control

When I went to the bed, the TV was on. Here is the conversation I had with sleeping Ryan.
"Hey, Ry, where is the remote?"

"My elbow."
"Ha? What are you talking about? I need the remote."
"Here. Right in front of you. My elbow is the remote."
........and, he really stuck out his elbow to the TV, and pushing his arm with his finger. Then, I started laughing, so he did, but he was still pushing harder and harder. I finally found the remote, and turned off the TV, then Ryan just went back to sleep like nothing happened. I just love this friend / roommate / life partner.

と、言いながらひじをテレビに向けて、腕をピコピコ押しだす彼。私が笑い出したら、自分もつられて笑っているんだけど、もっと大げさに激しくピコピコするライアン。で、私がついにリモコンを見つけてテレビを消したら、さも自分が消したのを確認したようにまた夢の世界に入っていかれました。 いっしょに住んでいると、結構笑える事の多い’友達 兼 ルームメイト 兼 生涯のパートナー’です。