Thursday, April 28, 2011

@ the little park in neighborhood.


Fishing. Aren't they cute?
This photo was taken by these pretty girl's mom and my friend, Lara's cell phone. Thanks, Lara!

She is a very talented photographer.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Easter.

In the morning after church, I guess we had a second breakfast, Ryan made waffles. He was experimenting with cheese, chocolate chips and cranberries. Of course, I liked chocolate chip ones.

Amalie asked me why Easter bunnies are gigantic, not like bunnies in our neighbor's back yard. I asked Ryan, he said, "Because Easter bunnies have lots of work to do. So, they need to be big and strong." Good answer!

We went to an Easter egg hunt put on by the city. There were too many people and too few eggs. Besides, some people weren't there for their kids. They were literally hunting for their own candies. As soon as the horn went off, Amalie's bunny ears were caught by the rope. Isn't it dangerous that it might choke some kids? Then, she was tackled by other kids. Why are we teaching kids survival?


She got three eggs. If you know Amalie's personality, it was amazing. So many kids were crying because they couldn't get any. On the other hand, I saw people have big basket full of eggs.

Everything was wrong!

I thought we are paying more tax and higher living cost for the better environment and education in this city.

After we came home, the Easter bunny came our home with lots of eggs. I called the operator to call the Easter bunny, and I ordered 100 eggs to our address.


Our 2011 Easter photo.

Luther never ever stops.

Here it is. A miracle shot of them together (it is tough to get both of them in the same picture)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Flowers from birds.

Every year, I find plants I never plant in our garden. I think they are gifts from birds. This year, six of these flowering plants showed up. They are not that pretty, but their fragrance is super sweet. I have them in the hallway and kitchen. The whole house smells so fresh and nice. Does anyone know what this is?


Monday, April 18, 2011

One egg dessert.

I only had two eggs. Amalie wanted cookies, and I wanted cake. Those two desserts usually need at least five eggs. I didn't want to buy any, since I was waiting for a big sale on eggs right before Easter. Luckily, I found recipes that only require one egg for each. The cake has egg and yogurt. The recipe is for an almond cake, but since I had apple comport in the refridge, I used that instead. It was pretty good. It's more like breakfast apple pancake. Luther loved it, and he still wants a chocolate-chip cookie from Amalie.


Raspberry comport.


The price of vanilla bean yogurt went up. Since we mix half plain and half sugary yogurt, it's a little impact to our budget. So, I made raspberry comport with our frozen raspberries from last summer. It has tons of sugar, but it may be a bit healthier than store bought sugary yogurt. What is going on this year? Vegetables, eggs, milk.....many things are highly priced.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Who did this?

掃除機をかけていたら、お風呂場から物陰がダッシュで飛び出てきた。トイレットペーパー、しかと握ったまま。 Who is this with the toilet tissue?
Who did this? Stuffed animals in the bathtub.


Who did this? A heavy iron fruit basket and a few laundry clips are in the washer, and the washer is also on.

Did this prince do all of that? He has girlie pj's on, though.

Oh, where did you find these sticks?

For those who visit my house, please don't think I'm slacking. It always looks like a robber or two came through our house. At least, I'm vacuuming, cleaning and trying to put things away. Though, I'm not catching up with mystery robbers.

Ten Years.


We had our 10 years anniversary on 4.14.2011.

So many things happened in the past 10 years. We definitely aged. There were more tough things to go through. However, Amalie and Luther are in front of us right now. That means everything to me. They are our 10 years worth of happiness. Maybe, I should be a little romantic. We are together for 13 1/2 years. How can we be so fresh and romantic? If we can afford something like the love suite at a nice hotel, then I would rather spend it on our kids. Well, Ryan is a little sweeter. He got my favorite lime-green colored roses, chocolate cake, pink piggy meringue for Amalie and a caramel macchiato. Thanks, Ryan. If you didn't do anything, we really didn't have a moment to even appreciate each other on this big day. You are still my special friend.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Otto Luyken rooted.

Just about a month later, my Otto Luyken clippings have rooted. YAY! There are a bunch of new shoots as well. Our new camera is not doing well. We need to send back in to replace it with a new one. Life without camera makes me nervous... Come back camera asap! 挿し木に挑戦しているオト・ルイケン・ローレル、ちょうど一ヶ月で、根っこがでてきました。白いものがたくさん付着してきて、あ~カビだ、と思っていたら、毎日にょきにょき伸びて立派な根っこに。黄緑色の新芽もたくさん出てきました。 この間買ったカメラの調子がとても悪いので気分も凹み気味。写真も最近のはボケボケ。どうやら不良品のようなので、メーカーが交換してくれる様です。どのくらいカメラ不在になるのだろう・・・

Saturday, April 09, 2011

New face for the door.

After we figured out how to make an arch for the door trim, we started to put trim on our almost 60 years old doors.

何の変哲もない多分60年物のドアをドレスアップしてみました。まずは、アーチを作って、Ryan did the trim work. I paint as usual.


Here it is. I wouldn't say luxury, but isn't it richer? Doesn't it look like a '50s door with character? I just figured out that I can't paint during the day anymore with a baby running around. It took me 3 nights (3 coats of paint). I don't know how we are going to remodel our kitchen this summer...


April 6. 2011


On April 6, all in a sudden, it was super dark, then thunder and lightning appeared in the sky. Amalie closed the curtain, and she hid in the closet. Luther stood still and screamed. I actually love it. So, I held my baby, and I watched the storm for a while. Following that craziness, it turned into a hail storm. It made everything white.

After all, it was spring again. Typical Oregon spring. Overcast, rain, hail, thunder, lightning, sun...Spring is here.そんな日に、弟家族にベイビーがやってきました。心からおめでとう。早く会いたいな。 On this day, my brother had a baby. Congratulations! I'd like to see her in person soon!

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Soy power.

日本の物が余り手に入らない場所で、執念でたべる和菓子。手作りのあんこに硬めに作ったプルプルのタピオカ、そして手作りのきなこ。 きなこは大豆を炒るかオーブンでローストして、ミキサーで粉砕する。少しきめが粗いけど、食べるきなこの出来上がり。女性に優しい大豆イソフラボンが取れるので、体にもいいおやつ。
To make soybean powder, first you have to roast soybeans, and then crush in a blender. The food processor doesn't really make them powdery. The blender works better. Soybeans have lots of Soy isoflavones, which works like female hormones. I mix with splenda. It's a good snack to have. There are many ways to eat it, but in the top picture, I put it over tapioca and sweet azuki beans.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Cherry blossoms, again.

日本領事館に行く用事があったので、ダウンタウンへ。そして、また、桜。今日のほうが満開できれいだったな。 I had several errands to run in downtown Portland, so we decided to walk through here again. 海璃ははじめての延長保育でお弁当を持って行きました。キティちゃんの幼稚園児が使うお弁当箱に、おもいっきり和食のお弁当。ちなみにランチバッグはメロンパンナちゃん。本当はドキンちゃんがいいんだって。私にとっても初めて持たせるお弁当。中身がみんなと違いすぎていじめられないかなとか、食べにくいかなとか、ドキドキでしたが、本人いわく誰よりも早くたべきったらしい。そんな事ってあるんだ。食べるの苦手な海璃ちゃんが。この二人を統括して出かけるのは、至難の業です。幼稚園、銀行、領事館、カフェでブルーベリーマフィン(海璃が泣いて言い張るので)、桜の道をお散歩・・・二人は車で熟睡。ママは、大急ぎで夜ご飯の支度ですよ。げっそり~。

Monday, April 04, 2011

Ohanami-picnic under cherry blossoms.


Cherry blossoms season. We had a picnic on the waterfront of downtown Portland. If you haven't seen it there, you should take a trip this week. It's breathtakingly beautiful.


Our lunch in the lacquer box (which is a gift from my mom). It reminds me of family lunch at my elementary school for events. Today's menu is grilled teriyaki chicken with red onions, stuffed mushrooms, broccoli salad with sesame dressing, cabbage lasagna, seasoned rice balls and an orange.


But, it was freezing! I kept saying "Eat FAST!" to Amalie. We couldn't really enjoy the picnic.

「日米の文化が匂う バラの町」って。日本の文化、とても薄い気がしますが?

After lunch, the kids were running like crazy again. Of course they need to climb up on rocks. This rock says "Fragrance of Japanese and American culture-Rose city". Not that I care much, but is there very much Japanese culture in Portland?

Friday, April 01, 2011

Tulip Festival?

Yesterday, Amalie had a school trip to a musical play at the Northwest Children's Theater. We watched 'Go, Dog. Go!'. It was a great show. They are super creative and fun. I loved this kind of school trip instead of the zoo or park. Amalie said she will remember this day forever. Since I was out with Amalie, Ryan took a vacation day to watch Luther all morning. After Amalie and I got back from the show, we all visited 'The Tulip Festival' at Woodburn. The guy at the entrance said they have three acres blooming. SO, we PAID to get in.

昨日はアマリの遠足で、ミュージカルを観に行きました。動物園や公園なんかよりもよっぽどいい。とってもクリエイティブで大人も子供も楽しめる素敵な舞台でした。ルーサーは連れて行けないので、ライアンとお留守番。家族や預けられる人がいないので仕方ないですね。せっかく、パパに仕事を休んでもらったので、午後はチューリーップ・フェスティバルに行きました。チーリップ好きなアマリがさぞかし喜んでくれるだろうと思って期待していたのですが、However, where are tulips? where is the field full of tulips? I tried to not complain. I tried to convince myself to enjoy what we are given, but

"I want my money back!"

"I want my time back!"

"This big sky in the middle of nowhere with our shoes all muddy - it just made me sad!"

I just dislike the farm is not telling truth. It maybe my personality that I don't like untruthful people.



Well, the tulip farm's neighbor had a horse and two donkeys. The kids loved watching them. I guess we had a great trip....
