Tuesday, July 12, 2011


I love our small sweet strawberries. We only bought a few of these plants 6 years ago. Now our retaining wall which is at least 50 feet long is covered by them. Still, with this cold spring and summer, we didn't get much this year = No jam this year.

The upper desert is my first store bought angel food cake. I really liked it. Costco had them for only $6 (I think, I don't remember...) for 12 mini cakes. I would definitely buy one instead making them. The bottom one is my homemade cake, ice cream and berries. Of course, we also ate the strawberries on their own. Luther eats them super fast like "Mr. Kobayashi from the hot dog eating contest", and Amalie is the famous slow eater. Now, we trap Luther in a high chair with two separate bowls for any fruits so both of them can enjoy them; otherwise, Luther would eat them all before Amalie.
ジャムになる前に食べてしまうからだろうな。ルーサーの次から次に口にいれる速さは、ホットドッグ選手権の小林さん並み。自分も食べたいカメさんペースのアマリと大喧嘩。最近は、まずルーサーをハイチェアに閉じ込めて、小皿に取り分けてフルーツを与えるんだけど、自分が早く食べ終わってしまって大騒ぎなので、結局あまりにキッチンの死角で食べてもらっています。 デザートの写真は上が、市販のエンジェルフードケーキ。初めて買って食べてみたけど、これなら買うな。コストコで12個6ドル(だったと思う。)で売っていて、フルーツと生クリームは自分で追加すればいいだけなので、なんともお手軽デザート。人数の多いおもてなしでも使えそう。下の写真、こっちは私のスポンジケーキにアイスクリーム。

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