Monday, August 06, 2012

Going out by myself.



I really wanted to take Amalie with me to this exhibit, but she had a high fever for most of last week.  Johannes Vermeer's `Girl With a Pearl Earring' came to Japan.  It was beautiful, but I could only see it from about 10 feet away.  It was super packed with people.  This sign is standing to tell people how long the line is. From this spot to the door is at least 200 yard away.  People told me it is sometimes two hours to get in.


Self portrait.  I'm in the center of the sphere.


After the museum, several train stops away, I went to Ginza.  I had to pick up my newly sized wedding ring, which was too tight after all those DIYs.  And, there were some other errands to run.  I wish I could shop here.  There are so so so so so many pretty things everywhere. 


At last where I headed was here, Red Cross blood donation.  I always wanted to do this.  After the earthquake and tsunami disaster a year and a half ago, we couldn't donate much of anything, so I was always trying to think of something I can do.  It doesn't have to be for the earthquake and tsunami, but someone can live with this small help we can do, right?


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