Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Amalie is not really potty trained, yet, but she couldn't wait. She wears panties. Ever since Ryan told her that papa wears underwear, mama wears panties, and Amalie wears diapers. She sorts laundry saying "underwear...panty...Mama, panty! Papa Underwear! Ahhi~(She calles herself Ahhi~) diaper!" So, it was a sensational revolution for her. And, I'm so proud of her. She tells me when she wants to go to the bathroom. So far, we only had 2 accidents out of 3 days. It was a great day for me when she first number 2'ed on the toilet 3 days ago. It was the cutest moment, and it made me cry.

Ahhhh, I just realize that I'm becoming a geek/nerd mom.

By the way,what's up with the training seat. Three of us were so excited about the Dora the Explorer little seat, but pee just shoots out to the floor.



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