Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Park Park Park

Today, we went to the park with our friends, Amanda, Kaya, Danae, and Hailey. Amanda and I were sitting on the grass, and chatting, then I couldn't believe my eyes. Amalie went to play at the play structure without me. It was the first time. She has been asking for my help to get on everything, but today, she was everywhere with the other girls. Of course, Kaya and Danae were so wonderful with Amalie. They include Amalie even though there is quite a gap between their ages. I really appreciate it, since Amalie is an only child. Besides, I saw Amalie was so happy that she was stomping, and shaking her head with excitement. I don't know if I could ever make her that happy. Thank you, Kaya and Danae! Thank you, Amanda!!! You guys are so sweet, and we love you!

I forgot to take pictures, but I will the next time I am at the park. It looked quite fun when the four girls come down the slide at the same time.

お天気がいいのでお友達のアマンダと彼女の子供達、カヤ、ディネイ、ヘイリーと公園に行きました。今日始めて、なんとアマリが私から離れて他の子供達といっしょに遊具で遊びました。いつも「ママ、ヘルプ。」と言うし、危険だからと思い手伝ってあげていたのに、なんのその。こんなに楽しい事はないってぐらいエンジョイでした。興奮を隠し切れずに飛び跳ねて頭を振っていたくらい。もちろん、カヤとディネイがとっても良く面倒を見てくれるので感謝です。この姉妹には尊敬の念を覚えます。子供なのに大人の様で、うっかりするといっしょに集いたいくらい。一人っ子のアマリには欠かせない大切なお友達です。アマンダも私の大切なお友達。Thank you, girls!


1 comment:

The Winns said...

We love you guys too! I'm so glad the weather is finally warm and we can go to the park often. We are so lucky to have your wonderful famiy as our friends. Danae wanted to say she liked having dinner with you guys last night.