Friday, February 25, 2011




Amalie made the cutest snowmen in the world.
She worked about an hour by herself in our back yard. Since the sun started coming out, her snowmen collapsed several times when they were almost finished. After her big tears with a real sad cry, she kept going back outside again. Finally, she made a few of them, and took pictures by herself. She is such an artist.

Photo shoot.

Luther had his first photo session at a studio.
My mom made his shirt, tie and suit pants. The tie is made out of my grandma's 'kimono' silk fabric.


Here you can view some of the pictures:

40 years old water heater.

I don't know how old, exactly our water heater was. It was still working, but we couldn't gamble waiting for it to fail. The label says the warranty expired in 1974. It is for sure older than us..... It says "10". Does that mean this was made to last 10 years? It was a glass lined water heater, so I guess it lasted longer than that. Should we inform Sears that this guy is still alive? We remodeled our whole house inside out, and replaced all appliances. This was the last one. And, Ryan took him to the dump today. I feel like we took a dog to adoption. sad...

Thank you, our water heater. You worked really well for over 37 years.

GE GeoSpring Hybrid Electric Heat-Pump Water Heater

Isn't it a crazy name? It supposed to pay us back in three years according to the amount of energy usage. It is a little loud, and our garage is freezing since it blows cold air. I am crossing my fingers our next power bill will be lower than usual. It HAS to be. IT MUST! I'd cry if it's the same.




Amalie's special thing to do with Grandma was to go to Starbucks, and she'd order 'kids hot coco and a cup cake' by herself. My mom used to try to speak English in public, but recently Amalie is able to help her.
One night, Amalie and my mom stayed home by themselves. I heard Amalie ate dinner and desert in 30 minues!-----In the past 5 years, she has never finished meals in less than one hour. Also, she took a shower by herself while even adjusting the hot water-----What!
It seems like she does better without us.



Power spot.



Snowdrop and crocus at the Elk Rock Garden / Bishops Close. It's freezing now. However, the winter garden is beautiful. Small flowers have blossomed, and tiny buds are coming out.
It is our most favorite garden to walk through. Do you know anything about 'power spot'? I guess there are special places on Earth where we receive energy from. I heard the islands of Hawaii are one of those spots. I think Bishops Close is also. I know a pro would say "You don't know anything.", but every time I come here, I get healed. .....Is it just in my mind? Maybe.....

Happy Birthday and Valentine's Day.

Happy Birthday, Ryan!
Happy Valentine's Day!

I made a raspberry jelly and kiwi fruit sponge cake. The raspberries are from our garden from last summer. We get so many of them. I'm thinking of having a raspberry stand in our driveway for Amalie this summer.



These are Amalie's valentines for her school. I helped her design them. The girls get the piggy ones, of course. Then, the boys get triceratops. I'm relieved that I went through one of the events like Valentine's Day with kids. It is a little tough for me, since I didn't go to school in America.




First Birthday.




Luther became one year old. I still think "Wow, he is really here with us." He is healthy, and he is very much 'Mr. Monster', and I am grateful he is here. We are that happiest people to be able to touch his soft cheek and hair, as well as receive droopy wet kisses everyday.

Thursday, February 24, 2011




My mom came with all this food and kid's clothes. She had a tiny bit of her personal items in her suitcases. I feel sorry, and it almost makes me sad, because she is only thinking of us. Thank you!!! These are really good sesame seeds, seaweed, dried tofu, fish flakes for stock, green tea, and so on. I know I'm spoiled, but we don't go out to eat at all, since we are trying to save money (and no extra budget for it), so good ingredients are essential.

And, Amalie and Luther's clothes are supplied by my mom and aunt as well. Except for the sweaters and t-shirts, my mom makes all of them. They really helps us.

My mom's support for us is unlimited. She doesn't of think herself at all, and she puts us before her. Although she exhausts me with her crazy energy, and she sometimes makes me sad with her stubbornness and toughness, I respect her as a mom. I don't think I can do the same for Amalie and Luther. Thank you, Mama.


We came down to this beach for two days in a row. We just sat, ate and even dipped our feet in the water. Amalie and I collected tons of shells and coral.


Picture perfect?

It's amazing. Barefeet on a wet beach in the evening.

12月の海で、裸足でいられるなんて・・・ Look at my rolling backpack and doll. She asked for the rolling backpack from Poppy John and Grandma Jacque, but we didn't know she wanted a doll until the night before. Luckily Auntie Shannon had an extra one. Huge thanks to Shannon.

ずっと欲しかったスーツケース。というか、旅先で海璃が疲れたら私が背負えるように、そして学校に持っていけるように、ローリングバックパック。これは、パピー・ジョンとグランマ・ジャッキーから。そして、アウンティ・シャノンにいただいたお人形さん。イブのディナーで「ほんとは、ドールがほしいんだけど、さんたくろーすにいうのわすれちゃった。」と子供達のテーブルで語る海璃。なんと義妹が余分のプレゼントを持っていて、用意していてくれたプレゼントに追加してくれました。本当に感謝感激。Yay! I got a car!

At Palm Desert, for us, this is a very unusual view and sunlight.

Believe it or not, we swam in an outside pool.


Am I cool? Pink goggles and snot running...

Long drive. Luther is happy to be out of his car seat.

And, she is knocked out.


with Family.

Poppy John and Grandma Jacque. Luther looks just like Poppy John.


George, Sophia and Samantha. They are really sweet and fun cousins.

Making cookies is super fun!

Luther got to eat his first cookies. Yummmmmy~.

Mmmmm. Goooood!

Sugar high? They seem to get along very well. Happy together.

Wild Roland.