Monday, May 30, 2011

Pro's special.

Grilled sandwich. Ryan's special. How come food taste sooooo good if someone else makes it? Plus, he is a pro-sandwicher since he makes them everyday for his lunch last 11 years. Can I make a order for every weekend?


Friday, May 27, 2011







Thursday, May 26, 2011


$15 for big pot of fuschia at costco. I love it.

I could have just bought a big hanging basket for this fuscia. But, I just had to try this...

With crayons, I drew lines, lines and lines.ハンギング用の鉢を買ってもいいのだけど、ちょっと悔しいので自作してみました。クレヨンで、とにかくお絵かき。

Done, it looks really fake.....


But with a little distance, it's not too bad is it?


Friday, May 20, 2011

My tree branches work.

Whenever we trim our trees, I make or replace our trellis with branches. It's my quality time without any distractions while Ryan watches the kids.


Apple branch trellises for these grape vines.

Ceder branch trellis for this rose by the shed. The next is apple tree planter for Hens and Chicks

ヒノキで薔薇のトラレス。 あぁ、その向こうはりんごの木のプランター。エケベリアが育っています。

Pear branch trellis for this clematis (on the left).


Bamboo trellis for raspberries.
Various branches to dress up this bird house.



Plastic pot makeover.

It's a good pot, but it's really worn out, and it's plastic.
I didn't know what I should do, so I started playing with arborvitae branches and chicken wire.



A little better? I wish I made them longer to hide the edges.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Lunch in back yard.


Luther, how come you grow too fast? Can you stay a baby for a little while? And, Amalie, I think that hat is for a baby girl (although, there is nothing wrong with trying to stay young).....

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Papa is blue, mama is yellow, Amalie is pink, Luther is green. This is my complete family that I dreamed for, for a long time.
My acupuncturist, Lisa gave me these candles as a gift. I know I mention this many times, but without Lisa, Luther is not here. She brought me a healthier body as well as another baby for us. When I see Amalie and Luther giggle and play so hard together, I almost cry for this unbelievable truth. I cannot thank Lisa enough.
Lisa has an clinic in Portland, OR.
Inner Heart Acupuncture Clinic
If you are interested, my story is on her website under 'patient success stories' in 'Resources'.

By the way, Lisa's gift (I am referring to the candles, now :) ) made me so happy. I always have hard time choosing gifts for someone. How can I learn to be a good gifter?.....more shopping?

Inner Heart Acupuncture Clinic


Monday, May 16, 2011

good hands robot.

In the past few months, Amalie's been proposing her idea of huge toy box. She says she and papa can make huge robot toy box in the backyard with wood, and it's really easy. She says she doesn't even need to draw a plan, because she has good hands. It's for Luther, and mama would be so happy, because all toys will be organized. She is saying that at least a few times a day, starting at 8:30am on the way to her school. So, I finally said "Can you show me how you can make a robot toy box with this box?" She didn't come out of her protected craft station (play pen to keep Luther out) until dinner time. Then, instead of a toy box, this pink robot showed up in front of me. She even was no longer human, she really became a robot. Since then, I guess her robot toy box fever is gone, but I've heard she can make a picnic table, dining sets, then a house. It's getting bigger and bigger.



それ以来、ロボットのオモチャ箱熱は少し冷めたみたいですが、今度は毎朝、ピクニックテーブル、ダイニングセット、なんと家まで、big, bigger, biggestな感じの演説。木の切れ端と釘で遊ばせようかな。

Friday, May 13, 2011

Menu notes.



Easter Dinner

Since Luther was born, I haven't even figured out my routine on how to run household chores. I really don't have any energy left in the evening to think of what to make for dinner. So, here is my notebook. Once or twice in a week, I just write down what I can cook with the food that is in the refridge, and I cook whenever I can, regardless serving hot or cold. If I have extra time, I even cook for the next day. But, when I re-heat the food for serving, I re-heat in a pot or pan, instead of using microwave. I think it tastes better that way.

Even though it's been 15 months, it seems to be getting busier than ever. I'm still running around the house with messy hair and in sweat suits. On the other hand, there are beautiful moms with kids who perfectly runs kids' lessons, play dates, even mom's sports gyms. What is their secret? Or, is it just me being ridiculously slow?

Tile cookies.

I found some mystery dough in my freezer. I cut it up into squares, and I baked them next to a roast beef. I soon discovered the dough was sugar cookies, and it tasted pretty good, even though it was in the freezer for long enough to get forgotten. Since I cut them square, I put icing like ceramic tile. Of course, Amalie made me the add pink ones. It reminded me of my ceramics student era.... I still miss working with clay, glaze, kiln, friends, studio and the life.
Well, here is my precious baby smiling with my work. When he eats something he likes, he gives me the biggest smile. It touches my heart more than any words. 忘れられる程長い間冷凍されていたのに、おいしかった。坊ちゃんもこの笑顔。おいしいものを食べて純粋に心の底から喜びを表現できるのってすごいなって思う。言葉以上に伝わってきます。

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

painted photo frame.


大きすぎて(27.5x32.5cm)合う額がなくてテーブルに置きっぱなしだったこの写真。金色の額にグレイのマットボードにしようと思って探していたら、この黒い額をIKEAの最終処分コーナーで5ドルで見つけました。おまけに、マットボードを買いに行くのもめんどうで、食料品店の紙袋をくしゃくしゃにして入れてみました。全く違うイメージだけど入れてみたら、やっぱり違う。縁起が悪い気さえする。There was this 10x13 picture that we had sitting in an envelope for a while on our dining table. I was originally thinking of doing a gold frame and gray mat board, but we found this black picture frame from IKEA's AS-IS section, and it was only $5.00. Obviously the mat board is not the right size. I didn't want to make a trip to the art supply store for a board, so a paper grocery bag found a life again here. However, this still looks like funeral picture with the black frame.

I painted. The first coat is light green, but before it dried, I put whitish paint with dry brush.


It turned out okay I think. The brown paper bag could be a light gray. I might paint (die) it later with sumi ink.


Sunday, May 08, 2011

The best Mama's Day!

Hearts cake by Amalie and Papa

パパとアマリ作 ハートのケーキ

Happy Mother's Day to all moms in the world.

Today was the best day ever since I don't even remember. I did nothing. Well, it's not true....We went to a church in the morning, and Luther stayed in the nursery whole entire time! We sat and listened the service with a cup of great hot coffee, which I haven't been able to drink anything hot while it's hot for over a year. After church, I worked out. Then I gardened. Then I didn't cook!!! Sounds heavenly isn't it? We had a guest over for dinner last night, so I cooked huge meal all day yesterday, so we could have left overs on Sunday. Then I took a bath. Then we ate desert. Ryan and Amalie made a strawberry cake for me. It was the best day ever.

mmmmmmmmmm~~~~~I LOVE Mother's Day!

Unfortunately, I'm going back to the running-all-day-but-nothing-has-been-achieved days starting tomorrow.

It tasted like Amalie Love.
Mother's Day card by Amalie


I even got a diamond necklace.


A plate from pre-school project.

'Our house and garden '







At last, Papa, Amalie and Luther, thank you! Mama is very happy.


Friday, May 06, 2011

May 5th. Children's (boys) Day



