Saturday, December 24, 2011



Christmas Book -Biggest surpise ever-

Christmas Book

Written by Amalie

page 2
The pigs were playing memory games and Good.

2 pigs were going to a walk and Good.

page 4
Christmas Eve
The pigs went to sleeping shiny light (house) and Santa came to give presents.

page 5
Christmas Day
Everyone woke up and opening the presents.

page 6 & 7
Christmas Night
There was 6 more presents, so Amalie and Luther tip-toed downstairs to get the presents.

 page 8
Mama and Papa were going to get rid of the Christmas tree.

*She was taught phonics reading and writing, so spelling is not correct.

Kid's gingerbread house.

And, here is Amalie's traditional gingerbread house. She started it at the school holiday party, then finished it at home. What a good idea to use a milk carton.


Serious creator vs Serious candy eater.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Gingerbread cookies and castle.

It's already the season to make Gingerbread cookies. I make a huge batch of dough for cookies, gingerbread house, train, castle, cars and whatever else I wanted.


 I bought a mini cutter last year.  I love these bite size cookies.

Out of oven, in this guy's mouth.  He calls it "tackie" instead of cookie.

Okay, now I decided to build the Cinderella castle of Disney World in Florida!  That was my goal...
I use a plastic wrapped wine bottle to roll out the dough.  I don't have a rolling pin, and I don't want it in my small kitchen storage.  A wine bottle works wonderfully.  For the castle towers, I made a tube with parchment paper over foil, then wrapped the cookie dough.  And, baked seem side down.  It worked.


Icing.  I love it.  I can sit there for good two hours for just drawing lines.  I wish I could...
大好きなアイシング。 ずっと座って線を描き続けたい。

Here it is...  Since I put everything in a glass cookie jar, it rather looks like a German town, not a fancy castle.  Darn it!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Snowman Brownies.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Party favors.


My mom and aunt are having a Christmas bazaar at a Catholic preschool.  Here are some little candles that I helped with.  They are going to all the volunteers for the day.  The gift tags are downloaded from the Internet.  Aren't they lovely?

House is lighted up.

おーい。大丈夫か。これって、もしも触ってしまったら感電しないのかな。「気をつけて」と優しく声をかけると、しかめっ面で「I know that!」だって。

Reversible Wreath.

For Thanksgiving.
 For Christmas.

This Reversible Wreath was made by my creative six years old.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I love hydrangea.

This hydrangea is the reason we bought this house.
I just love the colors. 

この紫陽花 = 私達がこの家を買った理由。

Monday, December 12, 2011

Tree calendar.

Amalie started being interested in calendars.  On a scrap paper, she drew boxes and filled with colored pencil a box everyday to count down until the Christmas.  So, I made this felt Christmas tree.  It is multipurpose, because I also wanted another tree for kids to play with and I don't need to stress out about nice ornaments get broken. 
First, I cut 3 skinny trees and one big ( final size ) tree.  Then, I sewed the three skinny trees together with the seams out.  Finally, I sewed the big tree on the back.  It becomes an uneven-corn shape.  Attach the loop for hanging.

Second, I cut out numbers with a few different colors of green felt.  In this picture, I was using a craft glue, but I ended up using just a hot glue gun.  It's faster and more secure with felt.  After the numbers are on the tree, I sewed bells underneath each number, so ornaments can hang on them.

I used push pins to attach it to the wall.  For the trunk, I used the left over stump after trimming our real tree. Just put newspaper around the tree trunk for support in the plant pot, then I stuffed with brown bag shreds.  It's really cute seeing Amalie chose the ornament for the day and counts how many days to Christmas.



felt 1 yard: $4.99
bells: $3.99
other material: from my craft shelf
TOTAL $8.89

Christmas tree hunting.

We cut our Christmas tree ourselves for the first time.  As soon as we got out of our car, I didn't see Ryan.  He was already far in the woods hunting down a tree leaving the two kids with me. 
クリスマスツリーを探しています。セルフサービス(U-cut Xmas tree farm) の森にて、どれがいいか吟味して切り倒します。車から子供達をおろしたら、パパはすでに森の中。「毎年買っているスタンドで買えばいいのに・・・」ってしぶしぶ出かけたくせに、秘かに燃えるパパ。
We chose this natural cut nobel fir, which means it's not trimed like a perfect cone like we always get at a tree stand.  I wanted something not usual since we are out in country.  As a surprise, underneath of our car, there was a baby snake.
The tree was bit too big...
The farm also had a hazel nut and walnut orchard.  The owner just gave us a full bag of hazel nuts.  He is so generous!

Just Perfect!