Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Sun after rain.


It was pouring rain this morning when Amalie left for school.  Then, before noon, a brilliant sun came out. I loved it!  This spiderweb is a perfect site for upcoming Halloween.

今は、おあずけのガーデニング。これは、母の手を借りてというより、私が注文しながら母に作ってもらいました。たくさん増えた多肉植物〈hen and chicks〉をハンギングバスケットの周りに植えつけました。春になったら、緑のバスケットにジェラニウムを植える予定です。

What I miss the most is gardening.  Since I can't do it, I asked my mom to do all this time consuming work.  She poked the roots of baby hen and chicks into these hanging baskets.  By the spring, it should be greener, and I'll plant some geranium.  


Look at this spooky rosemary.  It was on the edge of our retaining wall, and it was in the way of our car.  I asked my mom to pot it.  Is there any way to trim it nicely?

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