While we were in Japan this summer, Amalie and Luther celebrated their 3rd and 7th year. (Although Luther won't turn 3 years old until next year.) It's called 'Shichi-Go-San'.

Most people usually go to a hair salon, and they hire a professional kimono expert, then they shoot photos in a studio. However, I wanted to try taking photos by myself in a natural setting. No posing, but with natural lighting, a real background, and a true child's smile. The only, and biggest problem, is that I don't have nice camera. I thought about renting one, but I don't even know how to use them. I wish I took my photo classes more seriously in college.
Here is a documentary of a few hours of preparation.
Her hair needed to be up. It's called MOMO-WA-RE. I just looked at some pictures, and I sort of made it.
Then, my mom dressed her up. This kimono was mine when I was seven. My grandma made it from scratch, with her own fabric, and my aunt embroidered everything. I wish they were here. Oh, and Luther's suit was sewn together by my mom. He loved it, and he didn't want to take it off all day.
Let's go.
I found this spot during my morning run. It's the side of a temple's main building. Less people pass through here, and it is in the shade with a nice breeze. However, there is no way to take good pictures with two crazy kids.
This is it.
Do you think we should retake it at a professional photo studio? Or did my compact digital camera work?
I love these pictures. It shows them being who they are. What fun that must have been! Amalie looks beautiful and nice job with the hair! Luther looks like a handsome little stinker :)
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