Wednesday, January 30, 2013






Monday, January 28, 2013

Three years old.

I can't believe it's already been three years since our little baby monster joined us.  


His birthday started at lunch at the Old Spaghetti Factory.  Of course, we sat in the train.  Believe or not, this is the first time our kids ate at this restaurant.  They loved it!  It's been about 8 years since the last time we ate there, and surprisingly nothing has changed.  My memory goes back to our dates in our twenties. 


For his birthday dinner, I baked these animal rolls.  Luther kept saying he wants a 'bunny and fish cake', exactly the same as Amalie's birthday.  I strongly pushed for a cute lion shaped dinner roll, but he had to have bunnies.  By the way, the black-eyed ones are pandas. 


This is the cake for him.  'Bunny and Fish strawberry shortcake'.  Under the whipped cream, the cake is coated with chocolate ganache and raspberry comport.

できました。うさぎさんとおさかなのけーき。だいすきなイチゴのショートケーキです。アマリにもぶたさんを作ってあげました。 ラズベリーのコンポートとイチゴがクリームといっしょに入っています。生クリームの下にはチョコレートガナッシュでコーティングしてあります。ひと手間かかるけど、イチゴの酸味とクリームの甘さとチョコレートのほろ苦さが絶妙なんです。


After dinner, he got tons of "COOL!" gifts.  And, this is from Amalie.  She made a house for Luther's baby, which he carries all the time.  I don't know how many times we had to search our house for this baby because Luther can't sleep without it.  Anyways, Happy Birthday Luther!


Friday, January 25, 2013


Every time I ask the kids what they want to eat, the answer is "Pizza!"  We have some famous pizzerias in Portland, but for us with little kids, it is way more of a hassle to: get ready, drive, find parking spot, walk in rain, wait, then feed them.  When we finally get our first bite, it's already cold.  Plus, it's getting really pricey!

So, I've been making pizza over and over until I got this recipe.  It's so good, except I can't get the same bottom crust as a wood burning oven would make, but it's great enough for homemade pizza.  Here is the recipe for two medium size pizzas.  

2 1/4 c all purpose flour
1/2 c bread flour
1 tsp  salt
1 tsp sugar
2 TBS olive oil
1/4 tsp dry yeast
1 7/8 c water

Kneed this dough, and then let it sit in an airtight bowl in a warm area at room temperature for at least 8 hours.  It is very soft dough, so it is a little difficult to shape the pizzas.  I use more flour when I shape them.  Bake it on a preheated pizza stone at 500° for 11 minutes.

This one is basil paste, sun-dried tomatoes, artichoke, green olives and mozzarella.  The other one is  pepperoni, green olives and cheddar cheese on a tomato based pizza.

mmmmm, Yum!  I wanna eat one right now.



薄力粉  540cc
強力粉  120cc
塩     小さじ1
砂糖    小さじ1
オリーブオイル 大さじ2
イースト 小さじ1/4
ぬるま湯 220cc




これはペパロニ、グリーンオリーブとチェダーチーズのピザ。 トマトベースです。


Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Old and new coat hanger.


We were looking for coat hooks at the hardware store, then on the next shelf, here this hanger was on clearance.  It was a display, but it came down from $28.97 to $7.72.  It was way cheaper buying this with five hooks than it was to buy each individual hook.   If we were luckier, it would have fit in this space by the door, but too bad, it was too long.


Originally, I wanted something old looking anyway.  For the material,  this ex-tree house cedar which has been standing against our apple tree for 10 years was nominated.  Good, dirty enough.


Well, it had to get dried and cleaned first.  And, it took weeks to convince my husband to work on something I want, but he doesn't.  Once he started working, of course, he had to be a perfectionist.  After he cut them to size, and pounded the edges, they still looked too new, so I colored them.  


Maybe, watercolors are better?


Good.  For us, we actually have a coat closet, so these are for guests, especially our precious little guests who takes their coats, socks, and shirts off while they play wildly.  I love it!

Kids' canapes.


This lobster pate was a gift to us for Christmas.  I was curious.  I imagined it would have white and red meat in it, but it was a finely ground brown pate.  If you don't like seafood, this is probably too strong for you.  Anyway, they skipped church last Sunday because of sickness, so they made their own lunch with left over veggies, a few different kinds of cheese, deli turkey, oranges...anything we had in our refridge before our weekly grocery shopping trip.  The canapes all look funny, but it's okay.  The kids loved eating whatever they made, including the veggies. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Living with Cancer vol.12 - coasters and hat and cast iron handles.

It's been a week since my discharge from the last chemotherapy.  I still haven't recovered, yet.  My spirit is well, but my body...if anyone asks how I feel, I can't even explain how bad it is.  There are no words for these symptoms.  Anyway, the biggest problem is that my blood counts are low.  I have barely avoided getting blood transfusions a few times in the past month.  I can't do anything physical, no sharp objects, no people, and I can't go outside.  I am so tired of sitting around...

So, again, I'm knitting like a machine.  When I am crazily exhausted, and I have body aches, but I am not able to sleep from the side effects of the medicine, I knit.   Knitting magically calms me down, and it helps quickly pass this difficult time. 


コースター。適当 に編んでるので、全部違うデザインです。それはそれでいいかと。ジャブジャブ洗えるようにコットンで編んだんですけど、熱を伝導させないことを考えると ウールで編めば良かった。洗うと縮む事を考えて少し大きめに編めばいいんですもの。フエルト化してかわいいだろうな。

Coasters.  I don't look at any patterns, so every one of them is different.  I think it's okay, since our mugs are all the same.  The kids will use them for their hot coco, so they are 100% cotton for washing purpose, but wool would be the best for heat resistance.  They might actually be pretty when the wool becomes felt after being washed over and over.  

The hat bellow is for my husband.  My son is modeling, though.


Last are these cast iron handles.  Of course, they are 100% wool.  I can't cook without them.  To be prepared, I made two.  The stitches are automatically sewed by the sewing machine.  It was the first time I used that feature, and I love it.  Fun and fast!


I need a job; like a work-at-home assembly job?!

Monday, January 14, 2013

Living with Cancer vol.11 - Another surprise!


One thousand praying cranes from my dear friends from college!
We just kept looking at it, and all we can say is "wow..." 
Thank you!  Thank you!  Thank you!!!


And, this is another surprise.  The package came with whole a lot of cute Disney stamps.

どうやら、シールだと思ったみたいです。シール好きのルーサーが、おもむろに剥がしては私の家事ノートに貼っていくので、私も参戦。剥がしてくれた切手を綺麗に貼ってみました。ひとつづつ順番に剥がすルーサー。普段は大暴れハッチャク君なのに、そういうところ私にそっくりです。味気ない普通の ノートがおしゃれになりました。

Luther started peeling and sticking them onto my notebook.  He thought it was a sheet of stickers.  Might as well keep doing it, so I organized them.  My ordinary to-do notebook got dressed up.

Friday, January 11, 2013





I gave Luther a roll of paper for drawing.  He was stoked about it.  After five minutes, 
when I came back with a pair of scissors to cut it, it was all unrolled...and this mess.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Granma N's sewing lesson.


Amalie's most wanted thing to do - use the sewing machine.
My mom taught her how to use the sewing machine during winter break.


The only thing I helped with was cutting the fabric.  Amalie designed this purse, then she made all stitches, pompoms and the string.  Of course, it's pink!


Her first stitches.  


Pretty good.  Ever since this day, she is super obsessed with it.  According to her, the next project is her skirt.



Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Sweat potato custard.



Sunday, January 06, 2013

Blue snow.


Look at this beautiful sky in Oregon.  On New Years Day, we made a little trip.  I wasn't sure if I could make it, but I'm glad that I spent some time with the kids.


After this green corridor, all the trees are dressed up in white.  I was already excited.

Mt. Hoodに来ました。いつの日か一緒にスノーボードができる日がくるのかな?

We came to Mt.Hood!  Is the future near, when we can go snowboarding with the kids here?  Hopefully, soon.


We had so much fun with sledding, digging snow, and exploring the gorgeous view and crisp air.


It was perfect powdery snow, but Amalie didn't want to go home without making a snowman.  He is barely standing up.

最後に、やっと撮れたふたりの笑顔。行って良かった^ ^

Two happy smiles.  Fabulous winter break memory.