Sunday, June 29, 2008







I was waiting for this. I've been craving for this!
Since, we had no roof, and Oregon didn't have summer last year, it's been 2 years. This heat makes me high. ---Oh, we should eat watermelon---Ah, I need to make iced tea for tomorrow---. I really enjoy eating Popsicle with Amalie on the porch, too. I even enjoyed running wearing sauna pants in 101degrees. Even my fingers sweat. OH, Summer. Please, don't go way. I love you!

I found the great way to cook beans.

1: Soak dried beans over night

2: Boil beans for 10min.

3: Leave a pot on a really hot concrete.

4: After 8 hours, the pot was still hot to touch, and beans were cooked.

Isn't it really "green" cooking? Lower the energy usage, and keep cool in the house. I kept thinking what else I can cook. steamed vegetables? Foiled salmon with lemon and butter? rice? cookies? granola? If you see kitchen supplies on our driveway in this summer, please don't ask. I'm cooking.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


My sweet high school friends birthdays are everyday from 6/25 to 6/28. We have a group of 10 of us that were always together. We had many late-night study sessions at Wendy's, which was near by our college entry exam classes. One after another, when we got driver's license ( legal age is 18), we practiced driving for hours and hours - It's a little complicated to drive in Tokyo - most of us damaged our cars at least once. I damaged mine with a tombstone (oops!). One of us took off about a 100 feet of guardrail from a main street. We spent time in lots of parks, lots of dinners, lots of supposedly hot and scary spots.....I think I spent most of my free time with them instead of dating others. Although we are all grown ups and most of them have brilliant careers and lives, I still miss those days.







Really High

Ryan is 6'5". This must be really high. When we are in a big crowd, of course Ryan can see everything, and Amalie can see everything by sitting on Ryan's shoulders. Then I usually get bored staring at someone's back. I envy Amalie.


Papa Girl

Sunday morning
Sunday night


Lots of strawberries from our back yard.
Amalie's only fresh vitamin source.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Amalie's outfit is my new product. And, my mom made my white shirt. We are very lucky to have my mom who makes custom made clothes. I have never bought anything formal such as button up shirts, work clothes, suits, coats, and most of my dresses. Now she enjoys creating Amalie's clothes as well, but some of them turn out a bit funny. I wish I can learn from her. Thank you mom! You are convenient, and sweet.


These are Grandma Nobue Collection-Winter-Spring 2008

I just realized we are all wearing "Made by Nobue". It's at my grandma's memorial service.



Here are Mutsumi Collection-Summer 2008...............Only two things.


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Park Park Park

Today, we went to the park with our friends, Amanda, Kaya, Danae, and Hailey. Amanda and I were sitting on the grass, and chatting, then I couldn't believe my eyes. Amalie went to play at the play structure without me. It was the first time. She has been asking for my help to get on everything, but today, she was everywhere with the other girls. Of course, Kaya and Danae were so wonderful with Amalie. They include Amalie even though there is quite a gap between their ages. I really appreciate it, since Amalie is an only child. Besides, I saw Amalie was so happy that she was stomping, and shaking her head with excitement. I don't know if I could ever make her that happy. Thank you, Kaya and Danae! Thank you, Amanda!!! You guys are so sweet, and we love you!

I forgot to take pictures, but I will the next time I am at the park. It looked quite fun when the four girls come down the slide at the same time.

お天気がいいのでお友達のアマンダと彼女の子供達、カヤ、ディネイ、ヘイリーと公園に行きました。今日始めて、なんとアマリが私から離れて他の子供達といっしょに遊具で遊びました。いつも「ママ、ヘルプ。」と言うし、危険だからと思い手伝ってあげていたのに、なんのその。こんなに楽しい事はないってぐらいエンジョイでした。興奮を隠し切れずに飛び跳ねて頭を振っていたくらい。もちろん、カヤとディネイがとっても良く面倒を見てくれるので感謝です。この姉妹には尊敬の念を覚えます。子供なのに大人の様で、うっかりするといっしょに集いたいくらい。一人っ子のアマリには欠かせない大切なお友達です。アマンダも私の大切なお友達。Thank you, girls!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Amalie is not really potty trained, yet, but she couldn't wait. She wears panties. Ever since Ryan told her that papa wears underwear, mama wears panties, and Amalie wears diapers. She sorts laundry saying "underwear...panty...Mama, panty! Papa Underwear! Ahhi~(She calles herself Ahhi~) diaper!" So, it was a sensational revolution for her. And, I'm so proud of her. She tells me when she wants to go to the bathroom. So far, we only had 2 accidents out of 3 days. It was a great day for me when she first number 2'ed on the toilet 3 days ago. It was the cutest moment, and it made me cry.

Ahhhh, I just realize that I'm becoming a geek/nerd mom.

By the way,what's up with the training seat. Three of us were so excited about the Dora the Explorer little seat, but pee just shoots out to the floor.



Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day for all dads and papas.

We had a great picnic in our front yard. Our backyard's lawn isn't ready for us to walk on yet.
Ryan BBQ'd steaks, I made french fries, salad, asparagas with butter, and strawberry and pear shortcake. Weather was perfect, food was great, and Amalie ate so many fries, steak and the cake (of course). She started digging into the whole cake by herself.
We are so happy~.

ハッピー ファーザーズデイ!

アメリカでは自分の父でなくても、子供がいる人にはみんな「ハッピー ファーザーズデイ!」。そんな習慣にもやっと慣れてきました。今日は、お庭でピクニック。ライアンがバーベキューでステーキを焼いて、私がフライドポテト、サラダ、アスパラ、イチゴと洋ナシのショートケーキを作って、もぐもぐ、もぐもぐ、ひたすらもぐもぐ。アマリーもポテトのつまみ食いから始まって、なんと苦手だったはずのお肉、しかも牛肉をもぐもぐ。ケーキにいたっては丸ごと自分の方へ引き寄せてカットする前には結構な穴が・・・








iginroin-living room



Thank you Gatoon-Thank you God

Friday, June 13, 2008

Concrete is in.

I just heard from our neighbor that concrete workers were yelling at each other using the word "D.head".


This should be the last contractor we need. And, fortunately, the "D.head" concrete expert did excellent work. Our front yard will look beautiful when it's finished.


I got a job offer from "D.head" expert.


Amalie is so nice to take care of me.

I was a little sad today. Amalie came to me and gave me hugs and kisses while whispering "Daibu~ju, I'm sorry...Daibu~ju, I'm sorry......" I guess she wanted to sound like "It's okay, you'll be okay" like we say to her after she gets hurt. Besides, Daibu~jyu supporse to be Daijyohbu in Japanese that means "that's all right". She also brought me a tissue to wipe my tears although I didn't have any. She brought me her baby books, and pushed me down to cry on the floor. I don't know why, but she wanted to fence me in with her accordian books (see picture). She was so proud of taking care of someone alive, and not her baby dolls or her Dora the Explorer doll. Of course, when she was my caregiver, I became 'Mu' instead of mama.


オモチャのベイビードールやドラちゃん(Dora the Explorer)じゃなくて、人間の面倒を見ている自分に惚れ惚れ。もちろん、そんな時は私は’ママ’から’むう’に降格です。

Saturday, June 07, 2008

What happended, Mu?

Oh, Amalie ...

She pretends to be a monkey. She is a monkey. She wants to be in the car by herself, so she can play driving, Tarzan, jumping, and being a monkey. Yesterday, she fell off from a chair with a fork on her hand, and she cut my hand.(I tried to catch her) Today, she fell off from a shopping cart, and she hurt herself. Now, she is crying, because she lost her booger...She is opposite of me. I admire her, but I sometimes need to scream. So, I screamed when she wasn't near me, but as soon as she heard, she ran to the kitchen super fast, then asked

"What happened, MU?"

with huge smile.

It's monkey.





Summer, yet?

I guess Oregonians are supposed to go walk, garden and play at parks in cold & wet weather. I wish I can think that way, but I can't! I still need an umbrella.

It's getting cold everyday.

It's even 50's inside. We have the heater on.....Everything outside is wet......

We are trapped in the house. Amalie is cutting and gluing papers for hours.....

Ahhhh, Poor Amalie. This weather drives me nuts!!!!!



Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Wild Salmon

We sometimes can get wild salmon inexpensively. I guess it's because we are in Oregon?
When I find it in stores, I just get the whole fish, and this amazing knife does the work. I marinated one with a teriyaki based marinade, one with a sweet miso based marinade, and I used the trim for fish tacos for tonight's dinner.

I LOVE food!


Key Limes

I found key limes, but I didn't want a pie.
So, here is "Angel food cake with key lime custard and whip cream". It was tart and sweet...nnnuuuuu!


Replacing the tree

We had to cut down a tree to get our building permit last year. Luckily, our neighbor had the same exact type of tree. She gave it to us for free, so we got our tree back!


Ryan is serious using his machete to remove our peanut butter tree.


Amalie is serious wearing the Mr. Potato Head's glasses.(watching us from inside)



Construction updates

We made the retaining wall last weekend. Now, the garage and the part of the drive way will be poured with concrete. Since last July, we are living in a construction site. We did roofing, siding, windows, electrical work, plumbing, insulation, Sheetrock, so far...And, we got really tired our house looking neglected outside, so we did lots of landscaping, too. These are some pictures. The house will be painted when it stops raining, and when the temp gets above 55 degrees.
Thank you to all who helped us!!! This house would not be here without you.

Of course, our little builder has been cooperating really well!