Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Towel Dress.

When I was little, I had something like this for taking break between water play and changing clothes. Since my aunt gave this towel last year, I've been trying to make it. Finally, DONE.
My aunt knows what girls like. Amalie get tons of Hello Kitty, but I also liked going to the Sanrio Store with my aunt until I was in high school. We are lucky to have her. Thank you!

I always forget to take how-to pictures. I realized it when it's finished. My head and hands were moving SUPER FAST since I only have short time while Luther takes his nap.


Luther woke up when I finished. No coffee time for me...

I was upstairs picking him up from his crib, and I heard a voice from outside.

"Mama~, can you see me~?"

There she was. Amalie was outside dancing in this towel dress like a crazy bird. Of course, she didn't have anything on underneath.

On Sunday afternoon,

Ryan wanted to remodel the furniture that just came from his mom. I wanted to tackle the over-grown plants. The kids went inside the tent.
It only lasted 10 min. Soon after, they came out to harass papa. Luther really wanted to touch every single tool including the power ones.
So, I gave them a tub of water to play with. That was a mistake. Luther put his foot (including his shoe) in. After 15 sec. I came back from putting his shoes and socks away, he was happily sitting in it with his pants and diaper on.
Amalie tried to pull him out, but he didn't want to.

Oops. He even didn't wanted to stand. He just wanted to sit in the tub. We put water back in. He was in there for a good 30 min. We could finally get some work done.


ま、いいか。もう一度水を入れよう。30分くらいは幸せそうに座ってた。パパとママのお仕事、はかどる。 After the water play, he worked with us so hard. It must be work-out to carry a heavy diaper around.


Luther is back to normal routine after his fall.


Monday, June 27, 2011

Amalie wanted a piggy face-painting.



Sunday, June 26, 2011

Looong week.



Amalie and Papa came home with a trailer full of furniture from his mom's house. It took him 12 hours to drive instead of usual 10 hours one. Flying to Tokyo is faster than that. (11 hours out & 9 hours back!). Luther was so happy to see them even the next morning.

Then, we had swimming lessons all week. It was super exhausting for me. Getting all of us ready, and getting there on time was hard enough, but I had to get in the freezing water with Luther. Luther was the youngest one. He is not even speaking, yet, so he couldn't even follow any of the instructions, which means I did all of it for him. Singing and slow moving in the water was a quite a work out. Okay, I forgot to tell you this. The weather was COLD. After we got out of the water, I changed Luther as fast as possible, but since I was shivering, it was so hard. We tried to stay in the pool to play for a couple of days, but we didn't last more than 30 min. Well, the lessons were great. Amalie did super great job. It was so nice to see her seriously swimming. Luther.....he fell a sleep in water with a life jacket on, while we were waiting for our turn to do something. His report card says he didn't pass anything. I thought it was hilarious.

そして、先週は毎日スイミングのレッスンでした。一言で表現するなら、過酷。私が・・・。トイレをすませて(一人は直前にスイミングダイパーにはきかえて)着替えて、大荷物を抱えてバギーを押して、レッスンの時間にプールサイドに行くって事が、なんとも大変。なんといっても、天気が良くなくて寒いブルブル震えながらレッスンして、ブルブル震えながら二人を着替えさせて、私が着替える時は手が悴んで歯を食いしばって着替える位、寒かった。アマリのクラスが終わって、彼女をタオルで拭いてくるんで、先生との二者面談を終えると同時に、私もいっしょに、ルーサーのクラス。最年少で、話も出来ないルーサー。何も理解できないから、凍える水の中でスローに動きながら歌ったり、顔をつけたりしてるのは私。挙句の果て、ライフジャケットを装着したまま、昼寝に入ったルーサー。前代未聞らしい。最終日にもらったリポートカードは、先生の愛嬌で色んなデコレーションされていたけど、全ての項目が不合格でした。アマリはといえば、事務所の間違いで学童のクラスに入ってたらしい。どうも、一人だけちびっ子だなぁ、と思った・・・。でも、真剣にやれば出来るじゃない!と感心するほど泳げてたので、ご褒美にイチゴパフェを作ってあげました。 On Thursday, after swimming, Luther didn't take any naps, even though he was exhausted. I was really worn out, too. At 5:30, he was falling everywhere, and whining crazily, so I tried to put him in a baby carrier. He was kicking wildly, and then he kicked the lock super hard. The next thing I heard was a bad sound, and I saw he was laying flat on the floor. I picked him up. His nose was not straight. it was purple with red lines. His mouth was as big as dog's. We ran to the doctor's office. Everything seemed okay, but he might have broken nose. We don't know yet, since he was too swollen. It still hurts me to look at him.


This is the next day poor Luther. It's much better. I've been praying for his recovery.

By the way, what a crazy rush we were in to go to the doctor's office!?! Ryan had junky shirt and shorts, since he was about to wash the car, I had bloody dress shirt, workout pants with dressy sandals with an empty nice purse with just a box of tissue. Amalie had patterned shirt, skirt, socks, shoes...all miss-matched.

Luther, please no more accidents. You over-powered through Mama even though you are only 17 months.....



Saturday, June 18, 2011

Green planters.

Every year, I can't resist buying seeds, and then I regret it. The weather is not consistent here, and slugs eats all the seedlings. After so much effort and cost, I tell myself, 'No more seeds!', but I bought several packages again this year dreaming of pretty flowers and vegetables.
After I used up all my plastic pots, I just thought maybe this works. Can't I plant the whole thing in soil without disturbing the seedlings if the pots are made with newspaper?



Here they are. I wish Amalie was here to help. She is out of town without me (this is the first time we've ever been apart). She is always a huge papa girl, and she was super excited to get ready. She packed her suitcase, and she even took a nap next to papa who had to drive overnight. There was no doubt that she would be okay away from me......Then, twice she called me from the road crying that she can't sleep because she misses me, and she wants to come home. The next morning, she said she pretended papa was mama. That evening, she said she is pushing sadness away.....That's so sweet. It's been so long, maybe a few years since she needed me. Seriously, she's been acting like she doesn't care if I am here. Luther and I miss Amalie so much, too. Mama loves you, Amalie! And have lots of fun!




Portland is known as the Rose City. No wonder it is call that, since roses are so easy to grow hare. Some of these are gifts from our former backyard neighbor, but we found most of them in this abandoned garden of ours when we moved here. They were in a sad condition, but now, most of them are full of blooms (our hybrid tea aren't quite blooming, yet). The scent of roses fills the outside air. nnnnn~.

Wrapped on the rhododendron tree.


These peach climbing roses are our neighbours, but aren't they blooming for us?!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011



Looking at sunset. They think they are so cool....You guys, where are your pants and skirt?

Monday, June 13, 2011


Play dough

2 cups flour

1 cup salt

1 3/4 cups water

2 tbsp oil

1 tbsp cream of tartar

Cook all together in a pot until it looks like playdough-like. Then kneed more.

Luther had a taste. It's okay with these ingredients, although I'm constantly watching his movements. I love watching him when new things are introduced. Not like his usual monster mode, he is very careful and has a cute, confused face. It only lasts for a few seconds, though. Amalie can't take herself away from play dough.


             小麦粉 2カップ(480cc)

             塩   1カップ(240cc)

             水   13/4カップ(420cc)

             オイル 大さじ2

             クリームオブターター 大さじ1



Friday, June 10, 2011

Miso~After 3 months.

Are you ready?
ah. HAA! oH~NOOOOOOOO~!!!! Gyoe~qoiwjehi!

After three months of sitting in the deep end of the pantry, I took my homemade miso out so I could stir it. There was CRAZY mold where it was exposed to air. I thought it is the end of my homemade miso. That night, I googled about miso and mold. Miso is fermented soybeans, so the news may not be too bad. I found out that mold is not avoidable for handmade miso. In this case, scrape the mold well, then sanitize the walls, lid...everything.
So, here it is. First, I sanitized my hands with alcohol, scraped away mold (and probably more good miso than I needed to). Then, I took all the soybeans out, and I washed the container with a little bleach. Some makers flip the miso during the fermentation process, so I put the mixture back into the container upside down. I pushed it well, so there was less air pockets. Then, I put lots of salt onto the surface. This time, I put on a perfect sized parchment paper to seal mixture well before I put weight on top.

Hopefully, it works. This miso needs to sit another six months. It already taste like sort of like miso.

Anyhow, if you know me a little well, then you know I am germphobic. This was one of those serious operations with a serious face. I guarantee my facial lines are deeper now.




Thursday, June 09, 2011

Roasted garlic in oil.


Our new camera, that turned out to be defective is back at the manufacturer getting replaced. So, these pictures are taken by our old camera, which is abused by Amalie everyday. Most of them are out of focus.

Anyway, when I was baking a pizza, I roasted lots of garlic in the same oven. These are a bit over roasted. After roasting, I peel them, put them in grape seed oil. It can be olive oil, but I like grape seed better because it seems less oily, and it doesn't get hard in the refridge like olive oil. Garlic is roasted once, so it's really mild when I add in to my cooking. The oil is also good for cooking, as a dressing, in pilaf or anything. These can last at least a couple of months in the refridge.

Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Summer Break.

Amalie graduated from her Junior Kindergarten class yesterday. The first day of school and graduation are a huge deal in Japan, so everyone gets dressed up, but I guess that is not the case in America. I didn't know there was not even a ceremony, but only a puppet show about Jesus. For a dinner, I asked Amalie what shoulded we do to celebrate. She wanted to help make a pizza. We almost finished eating the whole 14" pie. Luther and I only ate one slice, and I guess Amalie ate two, how much did papa eat??? I guess I need to double the batch next time.
So, summer break started, but why is weather so freezing? It looks like it is 7pm all day. Amalie already misses going to school, and she told me she is sad. I want to open up all windows, clean the whole house, eat outside, take the kids to parks, make popsicles, and..... COME ON SUMMER, please!



Saturday, June 04, 2011

Amenese or Japarican.

This was Amalie's conversation while she was talking to herself by the window.
"Stick and flowers are still alive."
"There are
gigantic leaves."
"Well, this thing started to
grow to the porch."
Grape tree is more alive."
The highlighted words were in English and the rest was Japanese. When she is in Japanese mode, lots of English words even grammar are mixed in her sentences.

This is her excuse for why she still gets confused with right and left.

"Because I don't live in Tokyo!"

And, she just told me that she is shy about me because I'm from Japan, and I look different than other moms, and I speak Japanese. So, she wants papa for all school events. That broke my heart. Amalie started developing her own community, and she is really enjoying it. All her friends play so well together happily, of course in English. I understand her feeling deeply. We have to live with this fact until she thinks it's pretty cool, probably until she starts college. At this point of dealing with five years old, seriously, should I dye my hair super light or something?



ものすごいショックで、仕事中のライアンに電話して泣いてしまった。他のお友達の前では、日本語は話さないようにしてるのにな。日本とアメリカ、日本語と英語、と訳隔てなく育てていると思ったのにな。確かに、この一年でアマリはたくさんのお友達ができて、幼稚園も住んでしまいたいほど楽しくて、‘何でもお友達と同じ’ がいい年頃ではあるけど、私が日本人でパパがアメリカ人なのは、世界中どこに住んでも変えられない事実。ハーフっていいかも、バイリンガルっていいかも、って思えるようになるまで、何度も話合っていくんだろうな。きっと、大人になるまで。現時点、幼児をハッピーにするには、私が髪を明るく染めるとか、メークを盛ってみるとか、少しでも西洋顔に近づくしかないのかな。

Friday, June 03, 2011

Luther and Socks.

His steamy hot sock that comes right from his foot often becomes:

  • a dish towel for his sippy cup which is clean from the dishwasher.

  • a kitchen rag to wipe the table just like mama does.

  • tissue for wiping his snot.
"Oh, yeah, your sock is super handy!"


  • 食洗器のまだ少し濡れているコップを拭いたり、

  • 食後、ママがキッチンを拭き拭きするように、自分もテーブルを拭いたり、

  • 鼻水が出てきたら拭いたりします。


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Happy Moment.

How can things to be more perfect than this? My friend and lovely neighbor, Julie and Mike had us over for a dreamy BBQ on Memorial Day. This is their backyard, not a five star hotel garden party. Seriously, it was fantastic. It seems like whatever they touch magically turns to gold. If I knew her before I got married, she would definitely be hired to be my wedding planner. She has fantastic photos on her blog: Under the Tulip Tree

Well, I am really happy to have such good friends like them. I am really happy to have my own dreamy family here and super supportive and fun family and friends back in Tokyo. I am really happy to be given opportunities to do lots of stuff. It sounds like a perfect life, but it's probably pretty far from perfect. We always have some kinds of challenges and issues. But, what is happiness? I know I'm happy, but I could be happier if I have so many things I want, but that is so hard to get. And, I think Ryan is on a pretty similar page as me. So, we are praying and working on them everyday. We'll be our happiest in the end. I am greatful that I have someone going through this with me. ---OMG, this it got serious. Am I okay or insane?

これ以上は有り得ないほど素敵なセッティング。高級ホテルのガーデンパーティー並だけど、本当はお家のお庭。良きお友達で、お向かいさんのお家でバーベキューにお呼ばれしました。何度も言うけど、とにかくパーフェクト。夫婦そろってマジックハンドの持ち主です。もし結婚する前に知り合っていたら、迷わずウェディングプランナーに決定だな。彼女のブログ{Under the Tulip Tree}に、もっとキレイな写真がいっぱい載っています。
